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  • Xanny

    Rather have higher ticket prices that bring in a better crowd than ones that just let anyone in

    And yeah wtf does this even mean lmao

  • Nov 14, 2023

    Rather have higher ticket prices that bring in a better crowd than ones that just let anyone in

    Classism in the concert discourse

  • Nov 14, 2023

    he killed it during the scorpion tour. Not sure why he's so ass now

  • Nov 14, 2023

    think JPEG and Danny brown touring. Go spend your minimum wage paychecks on that if you complaining about drake prices

    That Atlanta show I went to tbh was one of the dopest rap concerts I’ve been to all year besides the Paris Texas one, Kenny Mason opened up for Danny brown/joeg too. Best $30 spent on a rap show this year for sure if I’m being real

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