Check new ig story
Drake is Bell gang
Also Bell gonna get a bunch more customers cuz of that post
Also Bell gonna get a bunch more customers cuz of that post
BellTV ass. IPTV
I had to Derrick Rose the knee up before I got the re-up.
That tv looks too small for someone like drake to have
It's like 15ft away tho. Probably 80inches
It's like 15ft away tho. Probably 80inches
The bezels are big as f*** too no way thats drakes
The bezels are big as f*** too no way thats drakes
Looks like it's mounted into the wall or something.
means a classic incoming
I had to Derrick Rose the knee up before I got the re-up
He really recreating every step of the NWTS process
Music video delayed
How is Drake always getting injured?
ever since degrassi