Requests for this piece prolly finna skyrocket like that finesse sweatshirt
finesse sweartshirt too expensive fuk that guy lol
Druski funny as s***. This a major W for him
Druski the hottest out rn, he getting Desi out the paint?
Druski the hottest out rn, he getting Desi out the paint?
Low key he might be. People came at Desi hard when he posted the meme about protesting vs looting. He had to put out an apology vid and everything. Druski just been consistently doing his thing. Desi still dope though and How it goes down in the hood series is fire
Druski talking about Drake in his merch and their relationship:
! so Drake been hip to Druski for a minute now
Damn so Drake been hip to Druski for a minute now
Probably about a year and some change. Not sure when he followed but I think this is first like, or around the time
Probably about a year and some change. Not sure when he followed but I think this is first like, or around the time