  • OP
    Oct 18, 2021
    Juninho CLB

    You being invited is enough, you record your flurry video of drake in the background and dip

    Social media has ruined society

  • Oct 18, 2021

    Somebody said Certified Shy Boy on an IG post 💀💀

  • Oct 19, 2021
    Bow And Arrow

    He just like me

  • Oct 19, 2021

    KTT users discover that parties/clubs/bars specifically seek women to show up

  • this is really true. he talks to some of them, just very few.

  • PapiChampu

    It's very common for models to get paid to just show up to clubs.

    Not the ones at his parties


    I can't find a link, but it was around AT LONG LAST ASAP I think.

    Basically the question was who gets more girls him or Drake and he said it was Drake by far, but he doesn't even talk to any of the women at parties he's at and just is usually with his crew.

    Yeah when he used to throw parties at his house, he was notorious for spending lots of time playing FIFA with the bros separate from the actual party

  • PapiChampu

    It's very common for models to get paid to just show up to clubs.


  • Oct 19, 2021

    doesn't surprise me. drake looks extremely socially awkward and probably genuinely doesn't know how to converse with broads. dude grooms young girls, and only dm's hoes cuz he can't do it irl