I don't know about that. I don't think we've gotten what Cole is truly capable of from a goin in lyrical perspective.
I listen to snow on the bluff and I'm mind blown by the level of detail and rhyme patterns he's doing from just pure introspective standpoint.
I don't think it's definitive that Drake is better
They’re equals after The Climb Back it’s hard for me to put Aubrey over Cole...and vice versa
J Cole and Drake are both above average lyricists
I agree with this. Above average, but not elite
I agree with this. Above average, but not elite
For sure. Both have shown their skills but their ability to convey a message to a wide audience is both of their strong suits not being overly lyrical
jokes aside, is no one gonna post a cole song that can match tuscan leather?
Too deep for the intro
Too deep for the intro
doesn't work in a lyrical exhibition. that's more of a personal track
drake is top 5
off the strength
of his raps
what puts him over
the edge is his songwriting
nobody even comes
close to drake as a songwriter
but if we're just talking raps
drake has one of the
greatest ears for the pocket ever
if you rap, you know what i mean
cole is no slouch
but he's had some missteps
not nearly as many as drake imo
doesn't work in a lyrical exhibition. that's more of a personal track
That nigga was snappin but ok you can put Tuscan up against the climb back
Talking Pure lyricism , Cole is witty. He might have a slight edge penning bars and rhymes but drake makes better songs. I think that makes lyrics more relatable and just hit differently. He does more with less in my opinion
Find me a cole verse that is f***ing with anything on tuscan leather. Drake in his time in whatever city bag is objectively a more clever lyricist. Also cole uses samey flows on each song. Drake is probably the most versatile rapper ever and is s***ting on the nigga with bars.
!https://youtu.be/vsdLE_bgM3IMost versatile rapper ever? Lmaooo
Too bad the bar is trash
That's how you know when someone is reaching to hate. Song is nice but let's focus on a bar
call me when drake have folding clothes bars
Used to have to hit my tees with Febreeze
That's how you know when someone is reaching to hate. Song is nice but let's focus on a bar
Yeah I’m hating for being real about a line in the song
Never said that song was trash. Just the bar
That’s how you know someone is d***riding when they call a reasonable critique hate