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  • Mar 2, 2020

    I wonder if they'd ever survive in this Post-Duppy era...

  • Mar 2, 2020


  • Mar 2, 2020

    bruh its the same people in every Drake hate thread

  • Lmao sometimes u cant tell if these threads are trolls or someone is legit sitting behind a keyboard typing these posts thinking they are correct in their head

  • Mar 2, 2020

    “ triple X
    That's the only time I ever shoot below the neck (skrr)
    Why you keep on shootin' if you know that nigga dead? (Skrr)
    That's the only kind of s*** that gets you some respect”

    Honestly tho can somebody explain these lines

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Mar 2, 2020

    Move to Drake Section

  • Mar 2, 2020

    Earl yeah but Tyler noooo

    You really trying to tell me Tyler makes better music than Drake. Lmao Tyler would laugh in your face if he heard this.

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