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  • Why do people like his music? It is uninspired, trite, mawkish and one dimensional. He lost his original sound ages ago and started catering to what the kids wants to listen to, which is dumb. I feel most of his following is because he is considered attractive which also I do not understand because he looks like a creep. Really don't understand why people give a f*** about his music or the release of his new album. Plus he is a proven s***trafficker and pedophile. It was so cathartic watching Kendrick absolutely tear into that disgusting piece of s***. I hope he falls off and loses all of his fame and fortune. THEY NOT LIKE US!!!!

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Mar 2

    Do me a favor and click op’s profile and look at his banner then read the post again

  • Facts

  • I ain’t reading all that tho

  • my whole life is consistent

  • Op got this from Reddit

  • Mar 2
    1 reply

    He made Graduation

  • Mar 2
    1 reply

    Op got this from Reddit

  • John Mauve

    He made Graduation

    Getting harder and harder to tell myself this

  • Mar 2
    3 replies

  • Mar 2


  • Mar 2

  • mishima 😈
    Mar 2

    Go off king

  • Kojimbo

    Why do people like his music? It is uninspired, trite, mawkish and one dimensional. He lost his original sound ages ago and started catering to what the kids wants to listen to, which is dumb. I feel most of his following is because he is considered attractive which also I do not understand because he looks like a creep. Really don't understand why people give a f*** about his music or the release of his new album. Plus he is a proven s***trafficker and pedophile. It was so cathartic watching Kendrick absolutely tear into that disgusting piece of s***. I hope he falls off and loses all of his fame and fortune. THEY NOT LIKE US!!!!

  • Mar 2

    The Chubbs side bag has been unzipped.

  • Kojimbo

  • hayabusa

  • he made scorpion he can do what he wants

  • I've never seen a realer post in my life. Thank you for this thread @op

  • Kiss it better where it stink at in the back I felt you.

  • just seen this on reddit lmao

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