Yeah man lol. Basically a play on bird words…. Sayin he’s a night owl 🦉(his brand) and you’re never gonna box him in (to pigeon hole)
flex to use the video to announce the album but also what a waste
you can tell by how barely anyone has posted since
genius says Drake says "pigeonhole"...
tf is a pigeonhole
which one of y'all botched that s***?
The pigeonhole principle is one of the simplest but most useful ideas in mathematics, and can rescue us here. A basic version says that if (N+1) pigeons occupy N holes, then some hole must have at least 2 pigeons. Thus if 5 pigeons occupy 4 holes, then there must be some hole with at least 2 pigeons.
Yeah man lol. Basically a play on bird words…. Sayin he’s a night owl 🦉(his brand) and you’re never gonna box him in (to pigeon hole)
i thought he said f*** a pigeon hoe like f*** a bird ass b****
wtf is a pigeon hole ??
you're telling me u don't think he says "fuck a pigeon hoe"??
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt
i have 100 percent respect for u but im drunk so will u please explain like i'm 5
i have 100 percent respect for u but im drunk so will u please explain like i'm 5
ur fine bro
it is pigeon hole tho but we can pretend it’s pigeon hoe too if that make u happy b
All their videos got the same aesthetic
knife talk mv cold af, def gonna need another one similar to it
I’m saying 😂😂 man just dropped a bomb and dipped
:ogyehah: my bad I’m late as hell but I forgot the thread but his posts were coming off as someone that was cosplaying as someone that’s black. Mans said something like if black kids crack on you, you’re actually being weird, not knowing black kids actually get on you for everything, it’s in their nature. Then when I call him out on that he tried to switch it up on some I think I’m better than hood niggas n s*** lmao. It just read like someone who’s not black trying to spread bs on here thinking it would get them likes n s***. I don’t think he denied the cosplaying allegations either
All their videos got the same aesthetic
all three literally have a different aesthetic
(I will hold the huge L later I need something to be excited about today)
No L
my nigga what the f*** is a pigeonhole