Besides the QR code, this already a classic rollout for Drizzy Corleone..Mention the album at every concert, get people hyped..Have them bark like dogs..Wear dog masks in public..New interviews..Freestyles..
Don’t sleep until the 28th.
I hope no one takes my “complaining” too literally. I’m just trolling for the sake of keeping the thread going 😂 legit drakes output has been nuts considering how long he’s already been doing this…
yea this rollout fire. also people always fail to realize that announcing the album early and having it in conversation lets the hype build. the album now has the utopia/pink tape thing going for it. where its the most anticipated drop everyone names
We live in an instant gratification society. Everyone wants everything immediately. Outside of the QR code, this rollout has been fine.
We live in an instant gratification society. Everyone wants everything immediately. Outside of the QR code, this rollout has been fine.
literally lol and even with the qr code.. as soon as it updates the week the albums ready everyone will be going bananas saying its a fire concept again
literally lol and even with the qr code.. as soon as it updates the week the albums ready everyone will be going bananas saying its a fire concept again
That DrakeRelated tweet really was a f***-up lmao
We went from this:
To this:
Great representation of the state of hip hop too lmao
We went from this:
To this:
Great representation of the state of hip hop too lmao
Take a look y’all
That crazy
His power is unmatched
this album rollout has been hot and cold - kinda like my girl.
so not only am I hyped I am also sexually aroused
Drake seen going back to his hotel after the show last night wearing more FATD merch