what’s drakes last massive record, i wanna see something
Rich Flex? Song was super viral when it came out
Lil Wayne
Frank Ocean
Nicki Minaj
Lil Yachty
Bad Bunny
if Frank isn't on this I will do nothing but I wish he was
you trying too hard. Mr Morale better than Aubrey‘s output in the last 8 years
Mr Morale should’ve at least committed to being a weird therapy album if that’s what it was
But dude was hedging his bets with all those baby Keem type tracks and they didn’t even hit
Which songs off there you bump a lot
Yeah thats the thing, Kendrick makes great albums but their replay value is non existent. GKMC his only argument for that. Meanwhile everybody bumping Drake from 2011- present discog
not even kendrick fans think this is true
what drake album from the past 8 years do you think a majority of kendrick fans have over mr morale?
Which songs off there you bump a lot
United In Grief
Die Hard
Father Time
Rich Spirit
Purple Hearts
Silent Hill
Mr Morale
The Heart Part 5 (bonus!)
All I’m saying is
Both guys rap well
Drake is consistently showing us his clip is full
Kendrick needs 5 years to remind us
They can both be goods
But there’s levels
So you saying MJ needed 5 years to prove to us he’s as good as Prince? Just using your reasoning
Theres prob more Kendrick talk itt than in his entire sxn for the past year
I just came ITT
Tf goin on
First Drake song you ever heard?? I'll go first:
City Is Mine
Stunt Hard probably. Or some s*** on Room from Improvement I can’t remember
the only one coping is y‘all desperately hating on the album
I enjoy it a lot bruh
but to say MM&TBS is better than all the past 8 years of Drake music Combined?? you have to see why we think that what you're saying is a massive reach