  • Huge ET fan 👽
    Oct 5, 2023
    1 reply

    love feet idk why I should go ti therapy

    That’s why you like orod 😵‍💫

  • Tomorrow 🪄
    Oct 5, 2023
    10 replies

    What’s yall go to McDonald’s meal

    Don’t say no corny s\*\*\* if you don’t eat it either

  • Oct 5, 2023

    where tf is the tracklist

    in like 3 hours

  • Oct 5, 2023
    6 replies

    Apparently I'm "unprofessional"

    So it’s Saturday, it’s hot as hell in Virginia, and i work for a privately owned moving company.

    Today I was scheduled to help a family move out of their apartment to a house. They showed me around their house yesterday and I quoted them a price of around $850 for my coworker and I to put items on a truck and then unload at their house. Mind you they have three flights of stairs at the apartment.

    When I got to move them I realized I couldn’t lift some of their furniture so when I started dragging it down the stairs they started complaining about the scratches on the furniture. They expected me to move dressers and s*** down three flights of stairs without damaging it like wtf?

    So I got in my car and just left and they’ve been calling my phone for the past hour asking when I am coming back. What should I do? Here’s a pic of their s*** not packed and the dresser I “scratched up” in the back.

    And here is the house they moving to so they got money to find someone else

  • Oct 5, 2023

    Y’all havent Posted any bad b****es fr

  • Huge ET fan 👽
    Oct 5, 2023

  • Oct 5, 2023
    2 replies

    Gonna wait until the video drops on Youtube before I finish these

  • Oct 5, 2023

    Y’all havent Posted any bad b****es fr

    Let’s see what you got

  • Theory Talk Trader

    Apparently I'm "unprofessional"

    So it’s Saturday, it’s hot as hell in Virginia, and i work for a privately owned moving company.

    Today I was scheduled to help a family move out of their apartment to a house. They showed me around their house yesterday and I quoted them a price of around $850 for my coworker and I to put items on a truck and then unload at their house. Mind you they have three flights of stairs at the apartment.

    When I got to move them I realized I couldn’t lift some of their furniture so when I started dragging it down the stairs they started complaining about the scratches on the furniture. They expected me to move dressers and s*** down three flights of stairs without damaging it like wtf?

    So I got in my car and just left and they’ve been calling my phone for the past hour asking when I am coming back. What should I do? Here’s a pic of their s*** not packed and the dresser I “scratched up” in the back.

    And here is the house they moving to so they got money to find someone else


  • Valentine 🦦
    Oct 5, 2023
    Huge ET fan

    I zoomed in on Meg’s ass at the concert, the videos on my girls phone

  • Oct 5, 2023
    1 reply
    Huge ET fan

    That’s why you like orod 😵‍💫

    Didn’t really check out her feet tbh

  • Oct 5, 2023
    1 reply


    You’ll be out of work by the time the album drops right?!

  • Oct 5, 2023

    The Sace Method. Zinc. Vitamin C.

    Now.... Drake.

    Popping a few Zincies tonight to get that FAT D and FAT Dreams

  • Theory Talk Trader

    Apparently I'm "unprofessional"

    So it’s Saturday, it’s hot as hell in Virginia, and i work for a privately owned moving company.

    Today I was scheduled to help a family move out of their apartment to a house. They showed me around their house yesterday and I quoted them a price of around $850 for my coworker and I to put items on a truck and then unload at their house. Mind you they have three flights of stairs at the apartment.

    When I got to move them I realized I couldn’t lift some of their furniture so when I started dragging it down the stairs they started complaining about the scratches on the furniture. They expected me to move dressers and s*** down three flights of stairs without damaging it like wtf?

    So I got in my car and just left and they’ve been calling my phone for the past hour asking when I am coming back. What should I do? Here’s a pic of their s*** not packed and the dresser I “scratched up” in the back.

    And here is the house they moving to so they got money to find someone else

  • Oct 5, 2023

    where tf is the tracklist

  • Oct 5, 2023
    1 reply

    What’s yall go to McDonald’s meal

    Don’t say no corny s\*\*\* if you don’t eat it either

    Come on bro. Big Mac meal easy.

  • Oct 5, 2023
    Theory Talk Trader

    Apparently I'm "unprofessional"

    So it’s Saturday, it’s hot as hell in Virginia, and i work for a privately owned moving company.

    Today I was scheduled to help a family move out of their apartment to a house. They showed me around their house yesterday and I quoted them a price of around $850 for my coworker and I to put items on a truck and then unload at their house. Mind you they have three flights of stairs at the apartment.

    When I got to move them I realized I couldn’t lift some of their furniture so when I started dragging it down the stairs they started complaining about the scratches on the furniture. They expected me to move dressers and s*** down three flights of stairs without damaging it like wtf?

    So I got in my car and just left and they’ve been calling my phone for the past hour asking when I am coming back. What should I do? Here’s a pic of their s*** not packed and the dresser I “scratched up” in the back.

    And here is the house they moving to so they got money to find someone else

  • Huge ET fan 👽
    Oct 5, 2023
    1 reply

    Didn’t really check out her feet tbh

    I can’t say anything except maybe you should

  • Oct 5, 2023
    3 replies



  • Deeeboi

  • Oct 5, 2023
    1 reply

    I really wouldn’t mind if S&R ended up on this it’s a really good song

  • Oct 5, 2023
    Theory Talk Trader

    Apparently I'm "unprofessional"

    So it’s Saturday, it’s hot as hell in Virginia, and i work for a privately owned moving company.

    Today I was scheduled to help a family move out of their apartment to a house. They showed me around their house yesterday and I quoted them a price of around $850 for my coworker and I to put items on a truck and then unload at their house. Mind you they have three flights of stairs at the apartment.

    When I got to move them I realized I couldn’t lift some of their furniture so when I started dragging it down the stairs they started complaining about the scratches on the furniture. They expected me to move dressers and s*** down three flights of stairs without damaging it like wtf?

    So I got in my car and just left and they’ve been calling my phone for the past hour asking when I am coming back. What should I do? Here’s a pic of their s*** not packed and the dresser I “scratched up” in the back.

    And here is the house they moving to so they got money to find someone else

    One of the funniest threads i've ever read

  • Oct 5, 2023
    2 replies

    I hate to say it but I feel a 2 hour delay coming....2AM EST

  • Oct 5, 2023
    2 replies

    Which rock album should I listen to rn? (Besides sexy ass Deftones ofc)