What’s your favourite issue?
Need Vietbrah to drop a bomb on em
(He did)
Which one we gonna revisit?
Cover Story
The one that got away from him
that aint drizzy, dont stink up the thread pls
His covers aren't really great
You like his cover stories?
It is
You own any of these?
Nah, but always read the scans on ATF
Do you?
Only started collecting after RESPECT in 2012, so missing everything before that
Only started collecting after RESPECT in 2012, so missing everything before that
This is the one! The whole shoot for this cover was hard!
wasn’t it Hygly who did this shoot too? Drake told the people Complex sent to kicks rocks and gave the job to him if I recall correctly
wasn’t it Hygly who did this shoot too? Drake told the people Complex sent to kicks rocks and gave the job to him if I recall correctly
I dont remember who did it but he took over for sure.
not really no :(
Damn what’s not doing it for you?