  • Feb 26, 2021
    Digital Garden

    pretty sure those are the DAW files if I had to guess. Abletons are dark like that

    (screenshot via google images)

    EDIT: Didn't realize how old this thread is

    lmao june 2020

    OP a troll for real

  • Feb 26, 2021

    Guess it was a drill

  • Feb 26, 2021

    Y’all disgusting for that bump

  • Feb 26, 2021

    if clbReleaseDate > '10/23/2020'

  • Ban whoever bumped

  • Feb 26, 2021

    Album done and ready

    Soon fwd

  • Feb 26, 2021

    Someone on Twitter sent me this:

    Yo, I've been lurking KTT, and I don't have an account (and registration seems to be indefinitely closed), so I figured I'd message you because I'd really like to contribute my findings to this thread, and I haven't seen anyone point them out yet:

    Upon closer inspection of that first photo that he deleted (attached in this DM), I'm 99% sure I can make out titles (third column, 2nd and 3rd files above the one that's highlighted in dark blue) being similar to the file name of the leak of "42 Sound" -- that is, "Love All (ChrisDebur) Noel Ref 1A". I am pretty sure I can see both "LOVE ALL" and "NOEL" clearly between the two files. Anyway, not sure if that's the upcoming album that's he's working on with 40 on Zoom or not, but whatever it is, "42 Sound" appears to be on there.

    Other than that -- and I'm much less certain about this -- I think I can make out one of the titles towards the bottom of that same column being "WHAT'S NEXT".

    πŸ˜… Alright, that's all I wanted to say. Thanks for your time.

    What's Next 😳


    Where have I heard Love All before?

    Lotta 42