  • Nov 29, 2024
    2 replies
    tomorrow volverse

    maybe because Drake himself has been obsessed with them for his entire career. I think Drake can make a comeback if the music is right, but it can't just be anything. He has to make it connect. His rap persona is getting ripped into tatters right now. He needs a pop hit. He can rappity-rap after his commercial dominance (not off past records but new ones) is re-established. But not until then. That success is part of the brand of Drake. If he drops and its a brick, people will say Kendrick iced the kicker and cost him the game.

    I mean just my opinion but people are going to say that anyways. Like in the height of impressions on social media era NPR could tweet “new Drake song” and the first reply would be “LOL Kendrick ended him” because it’s going to generate traction which is why I’m not really a fan of using social media as a gauge anymore (don’t come after me I’m not refuting what happened during the beef just an example)

  • Nov 29, 2024

    @Drake Drop Duppy Deluxe!!!!

  • Nov 29, 2024
    Slept On

    Said it before and I’ll say it again, Drake needs to develop a serious heroin habit before recording any more music. This would be the best possible career move for him.

    He would produce a deranged, dark, d***ged out experimental album that would be praised. He’d give grizzly accounts of life and the situations he gets into while being a fiend, and hustling pills on the side to fuel his addiction as people begin to distance themselves from him. Soon it would come out about his addiction and the media would be buzzing. Scandal after scandal would arise and he’d be the most talked about person in the world as he continues down this dark path of addiction and insanity. Then, he would get arrested for possession and do a stint in jail, adding credibility to the hard image he’s been trying to adopt for sometime. The #FreeDrake movement would be like nothing we’ve ever seen before and it would spark an international conversation about how we treat addicts (rehabilitative vs punitive punishment.

    Drake would get out, get clean, and become the face of the opiate epidemic sweeping North America, opening him up to even wider audiences and platforms. His first album after release would sell a million first week and be praised, as Drizzy explores a whole new realm of lyrical content reflecting on his past degenerate behavior and becomes a symbol of hope for millions dealing with addiction. This would be great for his image, solidify him as one of the greatest rappers ever, and create worldwide change that benefits millions for years to come.

    The best possible thing drake could do for his career is to start doing as much dog food as possible, as soon as possible.

  • Nov 29, 2024
    2 replies

    The problem with this whole renegotiation thing is Drake himself losing leverage with the drop in quality that even some of his die hard fans acknowledge.

    When I saw ak critique FATD that’s when I knew “oh, bro is literally in artistic freefall mode now.”

    Joe Budden slurped up every single Drake album until FATD even when they had a little back and forth lol I think that album is really when it became socially acceptable to be a Drake hater

  • Nov 29, 2024
    1 reply

    I mean just my opinion but people are going to say that anyways. Like in the height of impressions on social media era NPR could tweet “new Drake song” and the first reply would be “LOL Kendrick ended him” because it’s going to generate traction which is why I’m not really a fan of using social media as a gauge anymore (don’t come after me I’m not refuting what happened during the beef just an example)

    Social media prominence in the Stan era has led to some u n h i n g e d cesspools on twitter

  • Nov 29, 2024

    Did Ak get an IG text rant package after that

    He didnt go all in like Joe did but that rant showed me Drake aint alright cause usually he ignores that. The man NEVER @ bigghost for YEARS and bro was always blogging mad s*** at him.

    But he did say he didnt understand the direction on fatd.

  • Nov 29, 2024
    1 reply

    100gigs no traction and culture not feeling him

    heart part 6 one of the most embarrassing beef responses oat

    honestly drake pen probably broken

    maybe he gotta rely exclusively on ghost writers from now on

    Culture not feeling him for now, if he takes a long break I bet that changes

  • Nov 29, 2024
    1 reply

    if he started rapping his ass off again on soul samples, he could get people back. but he should wait till 2025 and get back to choosing his spots like he once did

  • Nov 29, 2024


  • Nov 29, 2024
    1 reply

    Joe Budden slurped up every single Drake album until FATD even when they had a little back and forth lol I think that album is really when it became socially acceptable to be a Drake hater

    Drake been had haters and people mocking him, this is nothing new. Take Care era had whole blogs mocking bro. The difference was that the music was undeniable to a lotta folks and that back catalog is still popular to this day

  • Nov 29, 2024

    I agree. Only man that could save rap right now.

  • tomorrow volverse

    Dropping a song while you're pursuing legal action against UMG despite being their biggest act is unchartered territory.

    Maybe Drake doesn't wanna risk his reputation as a hitmaker because he knows UMG is not gonna juice his records. If anything they will suppress it and make it look like he's underperforming.

    which is what we saw with 100 gigs and the camila feature etc

  • 666 💢
    Nov 29, 2024
    1 reply

    wah gwan delilah 2

  • Nov 29, 2024

    wah gwan delilah 2

  • Nov 29, 2024

    Joe Budden slurped up every single Drake album until FATD even when they had a little back and forth lol I think that album is really when it became socially acceptable to be a Drake hater

    Because FATD was objectively not a good album lol.

    It became socially acceptable when the rapper decided to be yachty lite, when the rapper decided to leak his own d***, when the rapper decided to act like a 37 year old 7 year old.

    Idk what he thought about CLB. But like i said even Ak was mixed on this album

  • Nov 29, 2024
    1 reply

    if he started rapping his ass off again on soul samples, he could get people back. but he should wait till 2025 and get back to choosing his spots like he once did

    As long as it ain't scary hours 3 production
    And maybe switch up that whole unbothered flow he loves doing now, it's boring af. He can still find some interesting pockets for sure and some nice lines (Middle of the Ocean comes to mind)

  • Drake stans tryna clown on GNX when that 100gigs s*** is the definition of came and went.

    Crazy to think that even two years ago the reception would’ve been totally different

  • Nov 29, 2024

    you want a drake song explaining why he’s upset and suing

    “I’m Upset”

  • Nov 29, 2024

    Drake been had haters and people mocking him, this is nothing new. Take Care era had whole blogs mocking bro. The difference was that the music was undeniable to a lotta folks and that back catalog is still popular to this day

    Exactly he always had haters, I was one of them, but the music was great. To me the drop in quality started 2018 and it's been a steady decline since. That's why everybody been asking for a 4:44 from him but at this point it's too late I really don't think it's possible to repair his rap image

  • Nov 29, 2024
    2 replies
    · edited

    Culture not feeling him for now, if he takes a long break I bet that changes

    Oversaturation backfired.

    TDE had a great blueprint with the years distance. It keeps ppl wanting to hear you. Ppl still asking for a new goddang jay rock album.

  • Nov 29, 2024
    3 replies

    Oversaturation backfired.

    TDE had a great blueprint with the years distance. It keeps ppl wanting to hear you. Ppl still asking for a new goddang jay rock album.

    I'm still mad Jay Rock went with Win at the pop out instead of hood gon love it

    Who does that

  • Nov 29, 2024
    1 reply

    I mean just my opinion but people are going to say that anyways. Like in the height of impressions on social media era NPR could tweet “new Drake song” and the first reply would be “LOL Kendrick ended him” because it’s going to generate traction which is why I’m not really a fan of using social media as a gauge anymore (don’t come after me I’m not refuting what happened during the beef just an example)

    I feel you, but what's the gauge then? What are we looking for? I saw your other post about he needs to reset his standard musically and this could be the start of a new prime. I hope you're right. Drake has taken risks in his career but it's never been a full leap. I think if Drake comes back with a completely new wave for him, that he's proficient in and its a great body of work, then he can rise from the ashes and be better than ever before.

    Do I think it'll happen? Not really. But regardless I'll watch and see.

  • Nov 29, 2024
    1 reply

    Social media prominence in the Stan era has led to some u n h i n g e d cesspools on twitter

    I mean everyone trying to make money which I’m not going to knock the hustle but it’s unfortunate it’s intertwined with hip hop now. Even if people do truly believe something it’s easily to exacerbate it just to get that much more traction

  • Nov 29, 2024

    I’m TRYING to get this album

    When one of if not your BIGGEST fan in the media is saying this? Yeah, i’m trying the most “HERE DAMN” boring rappity rap EP add on afterwards because I can see a lot of yall ain’t really f***ing with the album.

    He really shoulda followed 40’s advice.

  • Nov 29, 2024

    No he doesn't
    He needs to lay low, stop doing extra BS
    No interviews, no dumb gambling ads and streams with literally kids
    Radio silence
    Come back in a year and a half or so with a concise, strong album

    And he might have a chance of getting the public somewhat back on his side

    Issa wrap

    And I'm a big fan of his