You're thinking of Top Billboard 200 ALBUM. I'm referring to Top Billboard 200 ARTIST.
Oh nevermind
ol boy in this thread currently 0/5. need to start fact checking
I know you ain't talking about me
The person who wins the award is the artist whose entire catalog moves the most unit in the tracking period the BBMAs considers. Drake mostly wins even if he doesn't drop because he charts so many albums every week. Also, Scorpion moved over 1M unit last year, along with the units SFG and Care Package moved. It'll be between him and Post Malone.
Yeah, I'm aware, I'm just saying it seems unlikely to me without the big burst of sales that a new release brings. You said he wins when he doesn't drop, but when has that happened? Had Scorpion for the 2019 award, More Life for 2018, VIEWS for 2017.. I had forgotten about Care Package though
Gon be a wild day when Drake wins, Pop stans gon be mad, KTT haters gon be mad
They're all hoping Taylor wins the AOTD award when they know it's already leaked and she wasn't #1, Drake was.
Is it true they included touring? I’ve seen a bunch of Taylor stans say that and think she’s going to win because of that
Is it true they included touring? I’ve seen a bunch of Taylor stans say that and think she’s going to win because of that
They included touring and Drake was still #1 because touring doesn't weigh as much as the other metrics they considered.
They included touring and Drake was still #1 because touring doesn't weigh as much as the other metrics they considered.
Still don’t believe he’s going to win tbh guess we gotta wait until they announce it lol
Still don’t believe he’s going to win tbh guess we gotta wait until they announce it lol
He will win. You'll just have to wait and see it.
was hyped until I saw the @billdoard