T - onight
O - n the way, is the new album (released tonight)
N - ew Drake album coming tonight
I - can't wait to hear Drake's new album, coming out tonight!
G - ordo album? That's next week! Tonight is for Drake.
H - er Loss on Steroids, Tonight!
T - DE are s***ting their pants waiting for tonight's album
That’s not what you said but ok
Your vendetta was against “drake stans” you even decided to cosplay as one after getting angry in that beef thread
no way this guy creates a bunch of alts because he has no real life friends to talk to and then goes "iT wAs A sOciAl ExPerImEnT" stfu
In reality, I’m not expecting anymore music until a November freestyle, like the one with central cee or early 2025.
Really gon' spend the winter with this other Winter?
Act like he's really the mod to get through it with you
Thread is locked, Sab's heart is cold
That's how we already know @WINTER here
Big Dog would prolly move on to a new account
That's just all he know, he don't know nothin' else
I tried to show 'em
CLB feels like it was so long ago for some reason. Like it doesn’t even feel like it came this decade. Covid really fcked reality up man 😔
goated thread title btw i like it
With the slight possibility something drops, The apology tour to @516ix might be bigger than an album/song coming out
With the slight possibility something drops, The apology tour to @516ix might be bigger than an album/song coming out
Nah fr lmao
Hopefully, Drake laves all this beef behind because it’s a losing battle. Not because he isn’t skilled, but because social media is rigged. Do your own stuff, do what you know, bunker down and let the industry fend for themselves.!
CLB feels like it was so long ago for some reason. Like it doesn’t even feel like it came this decade. Covid really fcked reality up man 😔
Wish I could go back to that era. The rollout was pain but man that first listen was legendary. At least, for me it was.
Thread is locked, Sab's heart is cold
That's how we already know @WINTER here
Big Dog would prolly move on to a new account
That's just all he know, he don't know nothin' else
I tried to show 'em
move on to a new account is hilarious
We lost