2009-2010: Ascent
2011-2017: Prime
2018-2021: Descent
2022-now: Resurgence
This is based off of quality, not popularity
2009-2010: Ascent
2011-2017: Prime
2018-2021: Descent
2022-now: Resurgence
This is based off of quality, not popularity
Quality is subjective… His numbers say people like what they hear so that’s the best way to gage a fall off imo
2009-2010: Ascent
2011-2017: Prime
2018-2021: Descent
2022-now: Resurgence
This is based off of quality, not popularity
I'd agree but you can't say descent when DLDT was in 2020. That's a 9/10 album no skips and almost every song is a classic
2009-2010: Ascent
2011-2017: Prime
2018-2021: Descent
2022-now: Resurgence
This is based off of quality, not popularity
Find god
I'd agree but you can't say descent when DLDT was in 2020. That's a 9/10 album no skips and almost every song is a classic
I like DLDT but 9/10?
Scorpion and CLB are his two worst projects
What does that have to do with you seeking out a savior for your soul
What does that have to do with you seeking out a savior for your soul
You right
Quality is subjective… His numbers say people like what they hear so that’s the best way to gage a fall off imo
Eminem still outsells 90% of rappers so that statistics argument is wholly irrelevant to me
Eminem still outsells 90% of rappers so that statistics argument is wholly irrelevant to me
That’s the great white hope
Drake will always sell well due to the nature of the music he makes.
Super catchy, quotable, and easy to listen to and sing along to.
Even his worst projects are still very easy and catchy to listen to.
I don’t think he’ll ever release another project that sells below 200K first week for the rest of his career for that reason, that’s why I don’t think using the sales argument with him is an accurate metric for what albums of his are of which quality
Damn this hook is really wasted on this trash song
That hook definitely deserved better verses
Find god
“Quality” I hate those dumbass arguments. 😂
Drake is a monster lol I hope we get an AM/PM track after all these leaks and loosies are dropped to tie this all together before tour.
“Quality” I hate those dumbass arguments. 😂
So you judge music based on how much it sells?