Nobody is just listening to 1 track a month
Yeah but you build up a library over a long time. You can pay for every album you listen to one time for $10 so let's say 10 albums for $100 vs paying $10 to Spotify for 12 months which is $120. Yall losing money bro
And the experience is much better (not just quality) when I was with Apple it's so easy to get lost in all the choices that are mostly forgettable but when you buy a album you learn to appreciate it. Maybe I'm just from a different era but I never liked streaming. It's why albums are dying
Streaming is almost $20 vs buying the single for $1.50. I had a friend ask the same question before. How did streaming trick people into thinking they're saving money?
Cuz I’ll listen to like 30 albums a month that’s how I’m saving money
I mean its 20 for UNLIMITED songs to stream monthly
Its way more to buy all those songs each month
I probably listen to 500-1000 different songs a month
500-1000 songs? Do you only listen to them once? I'm genuine curious because that's a lot on your plate in a month. I like to replay it enough to memorize the lyrics and appreciate the production
500-1000 songs? Do you only listen to them once? I'm genuine curious because that's a lot on your plate in a month. I like to replay it enough to memorize the lyrics and appreciate the production
yea alot of them i listen to once
so every friday i go through all the projects/singles that drop, from lists posted on @rap, @ourgenerationmusic etc on IG
i pick my favs and THOSE i bump continuously
I like to give everything a chance
Besides mixing theres no differences between final and radio version right? No lyric changes?
Clean version on spotify is perfect
is there any curse words in this song?
i saw it on the internet heh
I wonder how they managed to fix the mix on the YouTube Version without having to pull down the video & uploading a new one. 🤔
is there any curse words in this song?
F***ed up position
Owning it is a big part too. How do niggas listen to their Spotify playlists without a internet connection. AT&T is dog s*** where I live
That’s really fax too! Haha
I think you and I are the last of a dying breed tho 😬
sounds much better but American Express don't deserve a Drake shoutout frfr
That may be true, but conveying that he “loves” women thru spending money on them, via the name of a credit card company, is one of the most beautiful double entendres I have ever heard. I got goosebumps on the very first listen :) that s*** was heavenly
Explicit iTunes is fixed now as well, not sure if AM is the same but I'd assume it is. Might have to delete and redownload if it's already in your library
Can confirm this. Just deleted and redownloaded.
I wonder how they managed to fix the mix on the YouTube Version without having to pull down the video & uploading a new one. 🤔
I thought you can alter the audio on videos. I don't have a channel but I heard a youtuber say that before. It's so they could avoid copyright or something
Owning it is a big part too. How do niggas listen to their Spotify playlists without a internet connection. AT&T is dog s*** where I live
Spotify lets you freely download playlists and albums for offline listening.
Owning it is a big part too. How do niggas listen to their Spotify playlists without a internet connection. AT&T is dog s*** where I live
no fiber?
But you own nothing. Like renting forever. Sounds better because it's cheaper per month but it's actually a scam
20 x 12 = 240
At 9.99 that's 24 albums a year you own. Anything else you could just use YouTube for.
Of course pirating still wins but y'know
I wonder how they managed to fix the mix on the YouTube Version without having to pull down the video & uploading a new one. 🤔
For select channels/artists with over 10 million monthly viewers YouTube gives direct access to partners. You basically have an open line to YouTube 24/7
Same reason they can transfer videos from an existing channel to another channel if a big enough person or brand decides to.
I thought you can alter the audio on videos. I don't have a channel but I heard a youtuber say that before. It's so they could avoid copyright or something
Yeah you can edit audio slightly but not upload a whole new audio track
Yeah but you build up a library over a long time. You can pay for every album you listen to one time for $10 so let's say 10 albums for $100 vs paying $10 to Spotify for 12 months which is $120. Yall losing money bro
And the experience is much better (not just quality) when I was with Apple it's so easy to get lost in all the choices that are mostly forgettable but when you buy a album you learn to appreciate it. Maybe I'm just from a different era but I never liked streaming. It's why albums are dying
I listen to more than 12 albums a year so actually I’m gaining money
Maybe a reach but I doubt it bc Drake is calculated….
Anyone notice that he chose to drop this track (with the Kim K stuff) on Good Friday (double sub at Kanye considering he did the GOOD Fridays for how long)?
For select channels/artists with over 10 million monthly viewers YouTube gives direct access to partners. You basically have an open line to YouTube 24/7
Same reason they can transfer videos from an existing channel to another channel if a big enough person or brand decides to.
Cool insight that’s dope
Maybe a reach but I doubt it bc Drake is calculated….
Anyone notice that he chose to drop this track (with the Kim K stuff) on Good Friday (double sub at Kanye considering he did the GOOD Fridays for how long)?
At the gates