Once again
I’m not looking for the AI songs to give me deep lyrical content. We have the real Drake for that.
I just want some slappers that I can ride to and party to
You’re lying if you say that NONE of those AI songs slap
None of the AI songs are anywhere near as good as this song and your hating on it, so yeah. You are clowning real Drake songs and getting upset we are clowning AI, make it make sense.
None of the AI songs are anywhere near as good as this song and your hating on it, so yeah. You are clowning real Drake songs and getting upset we are clowning AI, make it make sense.
I don’t wanna turn this into an AI discussion because it’s really not that serious
Nobody is getting upset
If you honestly think that no AI songs are better than “Search and Rescue”, then we have nothing more to talk about.
Good day
it’s already been a month since this came out wtf lol
still heavy bottom tier for me though sadly
I don’t wanna turn this into an AI discussion because it’s really not that serious
Nobody is getting upset
If you honestly think that no AI songs are better than “Search and Rescue”, then we have nothing more to talk about.
Good day
You just can't stop defending the trash AI songs
You just can't stop defending the trash AI songs
Who’s defending them?
You’re the one who keeps trying to keep the conversation going.
U really mad huh? Lol
i’m not gonna say it came and went
but i wouldn’t necessarily be surprised if a year from now this goes on to be a somewhat forgotten single
money in the grave and fake love has good runs too and you never see anyone mention those
I heard this on the radio yesterday and I liked it quite a bit,
I understand the “he sounds like AI” complaints, but I think there is enough emotion still coming through the voice that it doesn’t really matter
"Fixed mixed" instead of "Mix fixed" in OP triggering my OCD @Vietbrah
howard out here in taiwan having a blast
He recruiting the whole NBA