This song is so overhated it’s not his best but people swear it’s a bottom 5 song of his
Every time I hear it outside it solidifies a bit more
This song is so overhated it’s not his best but people swear it’s a bottom 5 song of his
Every time I hear it outside it solidifies a bit more
u speakin facts brother
This song is so overhated it’s not his best but people swear it’s a bottom 5 song of his
Every time I hear it outside it solidifies a bit more
right hand is probably his worst song OAT
Still a classic
Hate will always be baffling to me
if the s*** was an album cut they wouldn't judge so quickly
the bass line alone, let alone the chorus makes it one of his most compelling singles in a minute imo. s*** is dark and relaxed yet high energy and activated
Love to see hip hop heads not hatiing ain't seen lupe show love in a min he normally a bigger fan than us tbh
the bass line alone, let alone the chorus makes it one of his most compelling singles in a minute imo. s*** is dark and relaxed yet high energy and activated
Lol. No.
Lol. No.
Get outta here with that "lol no" s*** 😂
I haven't listened to a Drake single this much since Loyal and that wasn't even his