Grew on me like a mf. Took me a while to grasp the curve they threw at us. This nice
So basically what you're saying is that we have to keep listening to it until we like it?
so what you’re saying is its impossible for a song to grow on you and get better with time? get lost
Grew on me like a mf. Took me a while to grasp the curve they threw at us. This nice
Drake on Runnin or Steppin would be hard af too
So Drake and 21 tries something new instead of the same formula and niggas don’t like it but would probably complain if it was the normal type of s*** they do LOL
So Drake and 21 tries something new instead of the same formula and niggas don’t like it but would probably complain if it was the normal type of s*** they do LOL
For real song is great
Yeah thats how music is supposed to be. Not everything has to click @ first listen
You were right.
I rock with this song now lol
so what you’re saying is its impossible for a song to grow on you and get better with time? get lost
I rock with this song now, lol.
Y'all were right lol