  • Sep 16, 2023

    new song doesn't even have a million views yet, yikes

    Its not a hit type of song

    Too slow for that (and too boring)

  • Sep 16, 2023

    of course he did lmao

  • Sep 16, 2023

    Bro you the only one spinning this bad reception narrative let it go lol even if that were the case

    maybe leave this website once and a while? This website is largely an echo chamber for Drake glazing

  • Sep 16, 2023

    insano inspired

  • Sep 16, 2023

    Insecurity is all around us

  • Sep 16, 2023
    1 reply

    Honestly I can't tell if Drake just fell off or if I've just matured too much for his style of writing

    But last few albums have not been getting those plays from me

  • Sep 16, 2023

    Lmao you’re the one in every thread you obsessed little c***

    I’d beat your ass on sight

    Bro really got this triggered over a critical Drake opinion he wants to fight that's kinda pathetic bruh

  • Sep 16, 2023
    2 replies

    Anyone sayin it’s for anything besides the reception of the song you’re lying

    when has drake ever cared about the reception of anything he’s ever dropped? you must’ve stopped paying attention to drake after Views

  • Sep 16, 2023

    when has drake ever cared about the reception of anything he’s ever dropped? you must’ve stopped paying attention to drake after Views

    ... when he dropped Her Loss right after HNVM flopped...

  • Sep 16, 2023
    2 replies

    Honestly I can't tell if Drake just fell off or if I've just matured too much for his style of writing

    But last few albums have not been getting those plays from me

    I think it’s a drop in quality in his writing as well as the overall atmosphere of his music. When you play “old Drake”, you hear this really rich, in depth production that’s supported by insightful and thought/emotion provoking lyrics. Lately it’s been sounding…uninspired and flat.

    On the Radar freestyle was a step in the right direction, you can feel him (pause) on that song, even something as basic as Search & Rescue (though that’s a weak hit too, albeit very catchy).

    There’s just this energy and feeling that’s missing. That light up, 5am in Toronto, “this is mine and you’re not taking it” energy. I get he was hungrier but man, it’s just not the same anymore and a lot is being lost just to keep feeding the fans

  • Sep 16, 2023

    Lmao you’re the one in every thread you obsessed little c***

    I’d beat your ass on sight

  • Sep 16, 2023

    Maybe he can fix his vocals in the first half of slime while hes at it

    And the way sza vocals come in yikes

  • Sep 16, 2023

    We really got some A grade losers on this site

  • Sep 16, 2023
    Love Life Utopia

    I think it’s a drop in quality in his writing as well as the overall atmosphere of his music. When you play “old Drake”, you hear this really rich, in depth production that’s supported by insightful and thought/emotion provoking lyrics. Lately it’s been sounding…uninspired and flat.

    On the Radar freestyle was a step in the right direction, you can feel him (pause) on that song, even something as basic as Search & Rescue (though that’s a weak hit too, albeit very catchy).

    There’s just this energy and feeling that’s missing. That light up, 5am in Toronto, “this is mine and you’re not taking it” energy. I get he was hungrier but man, it’s just not the same anymore and a lot is being lost just to keep feeding the fans

    This is a nice break down of something i could not articulate

  • Sep 16, 2023
    2 replies

    Lmao you’re the one in every thread you obsessed little c***

    I’d beat your ass on sight

    You out here threatening people over opinions about Drake's music ?

    It's time to go outside and touch some grass my brother

  • Sep 16, 2023
    2 replies

    This is a new low. Scrap this album nfs. Back to the drawing board

    He essentially made this entire album while on this tour. I don’t think he’s putting his all into it. Too much stuff going on.

    It was never supposed to be a real album. Should’ve just been some spoken word poetry bullshit he released with his book. Then he got played and gassed up into making an album out of it.

    Toyed with the release and didn’t know what to do cus it wasn’t done and he didn’t want to perform any of the songs on tour either. His set list wasn’t getting any major changes.

    Now this. Mid single followed by a push back. He’s going out sad and I say that as an angel

  • Sep 16, 2023
    Love Life Utopia

    I think it’s a drop in quality in his writing as well as the overall atmosphere of his music. When you play “old Drake”, you hear this really rich, in depth production that’s supported by insightful and thought/emotion provoking lyrics. Lately it’s been sounding…uninspired and flat.

    On the Radar freestyle was a step in the right direction, you can feel him (pause) on that song, even something as basic as Search & Rescue (though that’s a weak hit too, albeit very catchy).

    There’s just this energy and feeling that’s missing. That light up, 5am in Toronto, “this is mine and you’re not taking it” energy. I get he was hungrier but man, it’s just not the same anymore and a lot is being lost just to keep feeding the fans

    There's also this feeling of growing up and not taking at face value everything that he says anymore which transforms his music into a bunch of cringe moments for me.

    It's like hearing in 2015 something as basic as "running through 6 with my wolves" and feeling that Drake was that guy for real, but now that the patina surrounding him started fading away you're like "you're running with your wolves huh ? This the Degrassi cast you're talking about ?"

  • Sep 16, 2023

    I love drake. Why would i not criticize him? Also, youve been in the main thread attacking everyone who has any criticism against the song. It really would make me c***to see your reaction to the news of him pushing the album back. Mouth agaped, tears starting to form, and ur hands shaking. No one to vent to. No one to talk to. Just remembering how hard you defended him. Seriously, if i could get those moments from ur phone/laptop camera i would. you should probably log off after this embarrassment. Drakeless for 2-3 more weeks. Remember that in your head

  • Sep 16, 2023
    1 reply

    All that d*** riding you gon need a new butt

    f*** @‘ing me on twitter come out and shoot sum

  • Sep 16, 2023
    1 reply
    fwt 2

    f*** @‘ing me on twitter come out and shoot sum

    man what

  • Sep 16, 2023

    man what

    Its the next line from that song

  • Sep 16, 2023

    I love drake. Why would i not criticize him? Also, youve been in the main thread attacking everyone who has any criticism against the song. It really would make me c***to see your reaction to the news of him pushing the album back. Mouth agaped, tears starting to form, and ur hands shaking. No one to vent to. No one to talk to. Just remembering how hard you defended him. Seriously, if i could get those moments from ur phone/laptop camera i would. you should probably log off after this embarrassment. Drakeless for 2-3 more weeks. Remember that in your head

  • Sep 16, 2023
    1 reply

    You out here threatening people over opinions about Drake's music ?

    It's time to go outside and touch some grass my brother

    @RosettaStonev2 you been getting cooked for wanting to fight people over drake's music. yall stans are pathetic

  • Sep 16, 2023

    your answer is in your question

    Blud thought he did something

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Sep 16, 2023

    This nigga is really that scared of ye