Isn't Sicko Mode behind 70% of the sales of Astroworld or something crazy like that? Think there was an article saying that.
Also, funny how KTT is almost celebrating Travis doing bundles while they s*** on every other rapper doing it. It's a fact that Travis wouldn't be doing anywhere near the numbers he has been doing for the last 2 years if he didn't bundle up.
I recall something like that yeah.
Drake carried Sicko mode entirely.
in terms of popularity he certainly did.
if we look at this graph of google trends, which is the only real thing you can use as a measurement of popularity on the internet
and this is without Drake even being credited on the song lol.
so if what @Zackbrah said about Sicko Mode being behind the majority of the sales of astroworld is true then op not super far off, maybe "entire career" is a stretch but without that Drake feature he would be no where near as popular as he is atm.
in terms of popularity he certainly did.
if we look at this graph of google trends, which is the only real thing you can use as a measurement of popularity on the internet
and this is without Drake even being credited on the song lol.
so if what @Zackbrah said about Sicko Mode being behind the majority of the sales of astroworld is true then op not super far off, maybe "entire career" is a stretch but without that Drake feature he would be no where near as popular as he is atm.
but drake was still the worst part of the song
Travis was huge before Drake. I’m not even a Travis fan and even I know that. Did Drake look out and give him a bigger hit? Yeah, but to say he made his career is some d***riding ass s***.
no doubt Drake gives artists a boost but I really hate the discourse that every single time Drake is on a feature he made that artist's career
Travis was huge before Drake. I’m not even a Travis fan and even I know that. Did Drake look out and give him a bigger hit? Yeah, but to say he made his career is some d***riding ass s***.
Drake added, but did not contribute to the success of Astro World. The hype for that album along with the singles leading up to it (Remember when Goodebumps got it’s 2nd wind and Butterfly Effect on the radio?) Not to mention Rodeo’s classic status was becoming more globally acknowledged.
I’m not even a Trav fan, but I remember that s*** like it was yesterday. You couldn’t escape him.
Added and contributed basically mean the same thing lmao
Travis was huge before Drake. I’m not even a Travis fan and even I know that. Did Drake look out and give him a bigger hit? Yeah, but to say he made his career is some d***riding ass s***.
KTT is DTT now, we just gotta accept it
I need some of the d**** you're on.
Drake had scored 3 #1 hits, 11 top 10 hits in 2018 and had dominated the year before SICKO MODE was released.
Travis wasn't stupid when he sent the song to Drake to hop on. There's even have footage of him screaming out of his mind "we got one! We got one!" when he heard Drake's verse.
SICKO MODE was the first standout track once ASTROWORLD dropped and the song everyone couldn't stop talking about BECAUSE of Drake's performance on the song and it was immediately sent to radio after the album dropped. It's still Travis' biggest hit and that's because of Drake.
Drake dominated 2018 before SICKO MODE dropped but yes, Travis did HIM a favor, lmao.
all i'm saying is that the song made young people stop clowning drake
Isn't Sicko Mode behind 70% of the sales of Astroworld or something crazy like that? Think there was an article saying that.
Also, funny how KTT is almost celebrating Travis doing bundles while they s*** on every other rapper doing it. It's a fact that Travis wouldn't be doing anywhere near the numbers he has been doing for the last 2 years if he didn't bundle up.
I recall seeing something like this as well. Can't find it now though. It was like a graphical breakdown of the streams ASTROWORLD pulled and how much of those streams were from SICKO MODE alone.
all i'm saying is that the song made young people stop clowning drake
But that has never mattered. People have been "clowning" Drake since he came into the game. People called him soft, weak and even gay because of the music he made but the one thing that's always been consistent is that he outdoes everyone in numbers because the people who clown him still come around and listen to his music.
He doesn't NEED to be cool with the kids and Travis definitely didn't help him with that, especially in 2018 when he had already dominated the year well before SICKO MODE dropped. Drake's music appeals to a large variety of people across a large age group. He'll always be good in that regard.
Travis was huge before Drake. I’m not even a Travis fan and even I know that. Did Drake look out and give him a bigger hit? Yeah, but to say he made his career is some d***riding ass s***.