Drake owns 5 mansions and multiple houses
If he wanted privacy why not use that 50,000 sq ft mansion he staying at…
Drake : nah let me got to a 100,000 sq ft open stadium aka Mr I wanna get seen
what a lame post
In all seriousness though this seems very romantic. May have to use this idea 🤔 how much you guys think this cost?
you aint got the guap like that
Drake owns 5 mansions and multiple houses
If he wanted privacy why not use that 50,000 sq ft mansion he staying at…
Drake : nah let me got to a 100,000 sq ft open stadium aka Mr I wanna get seen
Y’all are so weird 💀 what am I reading
what a lame post
What 😂 because there’s cameras everywhere and y’all wanna protect Drake at all cost.
Drake is a grown man who made this decision to be open stadium papi
It is what it is
Y’all are so weird 💀 what am I reading
He ain’t wrong this prob for the rollout
He ain’t wrong this prob for the rollout
how the f*** would this be for the rollout
he clearly got caught unexpectedly by a local news traffic helicopter
how the f*** would this be for the rollout
he clearly got caught unexpectedly by a local news traffic helicopter
these dumb niggas don't think before they post
Y’all are so weird 💀 what am I reading
Yall can’t protect everything Drake does.
I don’t think he should expect privacy in this situation.
Not in a big ass open stadium at that
In all seriousness though this seems very romantic. May have to use this idea 🤔 how much you guys think this cost?
You might be able to do the middle school field in your area
how the f*** would this be for the rollout
he clearly got caught unexpectedly by a local news traffic helicopter
if u were really tryna keep something private renting out an open stadium one of the dumbest ways to do it, use your head lol.
if u were really tryna keep something private renting out an open stadium one of the dumbest ways to do it, use your head lol.
you didn't answer my question
how the f*** is this for the rollout for his album
if u were really tryna keep something private renting out an open stadium one of the dumbest ways to do it, use your head lol.
Youre acting like its a high school public field its a f***ing multimillion dollar sports arena. Its extremely private to get into and to see inside unless youre watching on tv or an in the f***ing air lmao and 99.8% of us arent in the air.
In all seriousness though this seems very romantic. May have to use this idea 🤔 how much you guys think this cost?
don't think it's even possible for people without connections
Should’ve been Naomi Sharon
Last year I had drama girl not right now
and hit in 2020
Youre acting like its a high school public field its a f***ing multimillion dollar sports arena. Its extremely private to get into and to see inside unless youre watching on tv or an in the f***ing air lmao and 99.8% of us arent in the air.
it actually prob wouldve been more private at a high school public field lol, would've been lame tho
you didn't answer my question
how the f*** is this for the rollout for his album
album called certified lover boy and this some simp s*** if i ever seen it. album title checks out