Album shaping up the kind of strong, secure mid we’ve been getting since Views. Reliable, never too great, never too bad.
What in the world could possibly make you think this?
What in the world could possibly make you think this?
He heard it bro
And knows of one song maybe on it
People really talk about thug and future like they’re not legends 💀
thug aint
we're getting the album in 3 days where tf is this single at?
Feel like video will drop same day as album basically making it the single
thought he was bout to when the album trailer dropped but now im not too sure
Feels like we're getting an entirely different album from the one we were gonna get and I just hope this one is better than whatever that was gonna be.
Did we really need another Future and Young Thug collab after D4L that was just last year? Smh.
That s*** was hard tho
Album shaping up the kind of strong, secure mid we’ve been getting since Views. Reliable, never too great, never too bad.
You didnt hear a note yet wtf
I mean Cardo and Dez Wright on this + Lil Baby reposted the artwork, so Wants & Needs prolly on this tbh
we're getting the album in 3 days where tf is this single at?
on the album 💀💀
If Wants and Needs (carried by Baby), LNCL (strong 7/10) and a future Thug metro song are gonna be the course for this thing, yes it’s gonna be mid. Some skips some slaps some vibes nothing extraordinary or super heartfelt.
Album shaping up the kind of strong, secure mid we’ve been getting since Views. Reliable, never too great, never too bad.
dawg we've nothing from the album except Not Around. How can you be saying that off a 5 second snippet
I’m hearing he delayed dropping this due to KDot dropping
k dot probably not dropping til october
k dot probably not dropping til october
sept he puttn stuff out most likly sooon iont kno feel lyk it
Fair Trade’s sample maker and Oz posted the artwork
Reaaaally really hope that song is on this
If Wants and Needs (carried by Baby), LNCL (strong 7/10) and a future Thug metro song are gonna be the course for this thing, yes it’s gonna be mid. Some skips some slaps some vibes nothing extraordinary or super heartfelt.
wants and needs isn’t on it confirmed he said nothing from scary hours 2 would make it, LNCL would be a bonus and its def a strong 9/10 for a single and we haven’t heard the thug future track so relax