  • Noir

    Last sentence is true

    But this didn't need to be a thread

  • Oh no people mean to drake

  • Curse you Mos, now every legend has to chime in even if they ain't wanna, it's a stupid recourse all around and a none issue

  • Prez 💎
    Jan 25

    i like what common said in the video posted in OP. nice to see common defending drake a little bit

  • Jan 25
    1 reply

    Drake replies to everything it’s his thing … like that’s the reason why people thinks he’s soft he’s emotional af

    give 5 examples

  • had to watch the vid op using as his reference

    lol are you dense

  • Prez 💎
    Jan 25

    my take:

    rap is rap.
    hip hop is a little bigger and broader.

    when puffy started putting biggie on some R&B beats with R&B hooks, that was cool. and sure maybe the rap heads prefer the deeper cuts on big's albums that are pure rap songs.

    but that mix of R&B is part of hip hop.

    hip hop incorporates other genres in with the rapping part.

    so yea drake is hip hop.

    FATD is not a rap album. but it's a hip hop album with many rap verses on it.

    and hip hop has evolved a lot over the last 20 years and has gotten more melodic and less boom bap.

    but guys like griselda are still putting out pure RAP albums and that's cool too


    If he aint careful he gon allow Carti and Opium to takeover

    In 2 weeks yo TL will be full with his concert clips again!

    Bro takes time off but never goes away!

    Carti takin over either way!

  • get up off your knees

  • Notmyfirst

    I got chills reading this


  • Jan 25
    1 reply

    give 5 examples

    Give give examples of drake being sensitive? Ummm hold are you ?

  • yeah, there is nothing worse than people continuing to talk about you every week

    im sure Drake is spooked

  • They been having this discussion since '09 brotha, nothing new

  • Urameshii

    Give give examples of drake being sensitive? Ummm hold are you ?

    what are they


    That was a mistake. Now everyday there is a new think piece on if Drake is hip hop or not.

    He should of just let it slide and fade away. Now its a point of contention.

    Especially after that last mid album. He is allowing the tides to turn against him

    Drake honestly just needs to f***ing lay low and let us miss him for a while got damn

    And Drake reminds top of mind