Only singles released prior the project and they have to be commercial. I'm not gonna include Successful, Make Me Proud or Hotline Bling.
SFG - Best I Ever Had. Honestly Idk.
TML - Over and Find Your Love. Also no clue.
TC - Marvin's Room. No
- Headlines. I think it was loved but I remember people saying he was "acting tough" in the vid.
NWTS - SFTB. Hated. If you say otherwise you are lying.
- Hold On. I don't remember any hate for this.
Views - One Dance. From what I saw, it was all hate for this one.
- Pop Style. Mixed Reactions.
Scorpion - God's Plan. Loved
- NFW. Loved
- I'm Upset. Hated.
One Dance was loved
I looked at the KTT thread and it seems people liked it on there.
And I'm only talking about the initial reaction.
One Dance was loved
I remember people being upset at it being so pop driven but they generally liked the song on its own merit
Scorpion despite being his worst album, had the best singles with elite video treatment
God's Plan
Nice For What
I'm Upset
In My Feelings
Marvin’s Room was loved from the jump, it was meant to be a loosie but got such a positive reception it went viral and spawned plethoras of remixes and ended up on the album
Best I Ever Had was loved from the jump. It got a ton of love on the blogs which were big at the time.
Over and Find Your Love both kind of got a meh reaction. Over dropped the same day as Not Afraid by Eminem I believe there was a lot of hype for both singles but Drake wasn't a star of that level year
I can tell u that I’m Upset was the only single where everyone was like wtf. Everyone in my school loved marvins room and over when they dropped