@KState I stand corrected, my Bad bro you were right
Good s***
So much for not hitting 300K
Never said he wasn’t gonna hit 300k
Never said he wasn’t gonna hit 300k
Definitely not specifically aimed at you
If he did nerd s*** like bundles and vinyls yeah, but real music finna last no pandering
Classic Midrick fans
Aside from being pretentious as hell and thinking they are superior just for listening to him, they bleed out of their a******s in a childlike fit of rage if you even consider saying that his albums aren’t 10/10, he won’t go platinum first week, etc. Pretty sad stuff!
Honestly, it can happen, he needs to tone the down the gangster persona, alot actually, and focus on more mature themes, while maintaining a pop image/doing real promo. If he does his same shtick, his career will be in the toilet, let alone sell a million. People really don't want Drake to go left field/weird, people just want him to release something noteworthy/interesting, and not copy every moment thats going on in rap.
Classic Midrick fans
Aside from being pretentious as hell and thinking they are superior just for listening to him, they bleed out of their a******s in a childlike fit of rage if you even consider saying that his albums aren’t 10/10, he won’t go platinum first week, etc. Pretty sad stuff!
They’re saying Drake’s next album is gonna do a million first week
if roll out is right 450 - 500k