Platinum = RIAA certifications, includes album-equivalent sales of singles prior to release
1 Million First Week Sales = Billboard performance, does not include sales of singles prior to release
I don’t know how much simpler I could spell this out
"Yes, singles are counted in album sales:
The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) counts 10 track sales or 1,500 on-demand audio and/or video streams as equivalent to one album sale.
This includes singles released before the album's release date.
This means that a song can contribute to the certification of both the single and the album. For example, if a song is streamed 1.5 billion times on YouTube, the single could be Diamond and the album could be Platinum."
yes it is counted
No, Scorpion didn’t get doubled by RIAA because not 100 minutes. Singles were included though
bro what are you trolling
if its 700k in a week how is it 1mill in a day the singles counted for the billboard 700k already
edit: it is then x2 for riaa's milly plat of the singles and fresh album
if its 700k in a week how is it 1mill in a day the singles counted for the billboard 700k already
edit: it is then x2 for riaa's milly plat of the singles and fresh album
Guy isn’t even speaking English anymore 😭
Guy isn’t even speaking English anymore 😭
drakes first day would have to be at least 500k, and billboard does count pre single streams together, so fresh album plus pre-singles is that 500
the other days = the rest of the 700k range divided - the 200 or less the rest of the week
so riaa took the 500k+ that already includes singles and albums and x2 for its plat first day - because it counts it as a double and will only times it if its a double
the singles dont push it over the edge for the plat from riaa - doubles are only unique for riaa
you said pre-singles dont get counted by billboard, but they do
bro what are you trolling
that guy is a European, u gotta stop going back and forth w some of these niggas yo
FATD is by far Drakes worst album, what’s GNX excuse for selling so low after his promo run this year?
Yeah these first week sale fights are so dumb lol. Especially cause Kendrick didn't do anything to boost the sales
I am very curious to see what Drake's next album does especially after he started war with UMG
I agree, seeing how Drake performs is much more interesting
that guy is a European, u gotta stop going back and forth w some of these niggas yo
i was so confused lol
its why artists tack on their huge as single to their album to boost fw - like people were saying kendrick is gonna "cheat" with his next album if he puts nlu on there and go "instant" double plat with the biggest fw ever lol
and iirc hotline bling did the same thing for views
and migos' culture
and a bunch of other s***
dude just trolled tf me
drakes first day would have to be at least 500k, and billboard does count pre single streams together, so fresh album plus pre-singles is that 500
the other days = the rest of the 700k range divided - the 200 or less the rest of the week
so riaa took the 500k+ that already includes singles and albums and x2 for its plat first day - because it counts it as a double and will only times it if its a double
the singles dont push it over the edge for the plat from riaa - doubles are only unique for riaa
you said pre-singles dont get counted by billboard, but they do
i was so confused lol
its why artists tack on their huge as single to their album to boost fw - like people were saying kendrick is gonna "cheat" with his next album if he puts nlu on there and go "instant" double plat with the biggest fw ever lol
and iirc hotline bling did the same thing for views
and migos' culture
and a bunch of other s***
dude just trolled tf me
i guess i better put another technicality that the pre-singles have to be added to a pre save state before the album before is officially release which they all do lol
in case of another nitpick
you got me good bro, that was a racket
You don’t appear to be comprehending or listening so I’m not really sure what the point of continuing to school you is.
You continue to assert that Billboard counts streams from prior to the album’s release, which they don’t. Everything downstream from that in your ‘calculations’ is fan fiction
Scorpion sold however much it sold on the first day + the album equivalent units of its high-performing singles which occurred before release. Added up to 1M for first day Platinum RIAA cert. The rest of the week it got to 700k first week sales (just by the sales and streams in release week) for Billboard. Nothing was counted as a double album. Nothing here is complex or difficult to understand
ok so why is it 700k fw counted when singles get counted in fw and everywhere counts it as a literal double album
and i already said doubling counts for riaa, you should read again, thus why its still at 700k by billboard even tho its considered plat which requires 1mill
pre release single sales are not counted toward the first week. They count toward overall sales.
pre release single sales are not counted toward the first week. They count toward overall sales.
if they are put on pre-save, they do
which most artists do
Kendrick Stan’s? Can you explain why @op is your loudest and proudest member on this website?
Such a weird guy
You don’t appear to be comprehending or listening so I’m not really sure what the point of continuing to school you is.
You continue to assert that Billboard counts streams from prior to the album’s release, which they don’t. Everything downstream from that in your ‘calculations’ is fan fiction
Scorpion sold however much it sold on the first day + the album equivalent units of its high-performing singles which occurred before release. Added up to 1M for first day Platinum RIAA cert. The rest of the week it got to 700k first week sales (just by the sales and streams in release week) for Billboard. Nothing was counted as a double album. Nothing here is complex or difficult to understand