fam, every time you responded you only said “Kendrick rapped better, he won”. Which I agreed with, and never argued.
Y'all gotta fight, man, no gloves, lfg
Y'all gotta fight, man, no gloves, lfg
That’s on pup
On my kid I’ll……..
Lol I bought that book when I first started reading cause it was trendy on Twitter like 10 years ago and had to get rid of it to not scare the hoes
The Venn diagram of cacs that see Rick Sanchez as a role model and 48 laws of power fans is a circle.
I always thought 48 laws of power was some ancient text like the art of war just last month found out it was written by some LA pick up artist
YEP. Lol
It’s like hotep niggas that use isis papers as the holy bible and most of it is just equating every thing in history to a p****.
talking about books on KTT
hiphop is healing 🤣
The most basic book was mentioned so it don’t count
End of the day, I love hip hop and I can honestly say I got a lot of enjoyment out of every song.
It’s mainly the weirdo fans on both sides and hypocrisy that I have issues with. Which isn’t that serious. I love ktt fr tho.
I dont believe in banning books but if G-d gave me the ability I’m snatching every copy of Soul On Ice and lighting it with gasoline Dark Knight Joker style
One of the worst books by a truly horrible human being ever.
It’s like hotep niggas that use isis papers as the holy bible and most of it is just equating every thing in history to a p****.
i was looking @ that s*** awhile ago when u told me about it
i was looking @ that s*** awhile ago when u told me about it
Crazy right?
Shawty (rip) d***matized fr
It’s like hotep niggas that use isis papers as the holy bible and most of it is just equating every thing in history to a p****.
I watched this disturbing horror musical about a cult being investigated in Scotland. everything around their community from the shrubs to the playground games was phallic-shaped
I watched this disturbing horror musical about a cult being investigated in Scotland. everything around their community from the shrubs to the playground games was phallic-shaped
Oh wow lololol
I will say when I had a gig in Baltimore a friend took me out to a black owned vegan restaurant.
Saw a shrine for frances cress welsing and IMMEDIATELY knew the food was gon be hitting (if the black owned restaurant has problematic figures/politics, the food is usually BANGing)
And i was right
Yall say folk should be banned for Palestine comments but are cool with these posts all day long
Yall weirdos
yt boy stop crying
A man with a white mom can never be black even if his black dad is fully in his life.
I’m someone with 2 black parents.
Drake is a biracial white man point blank period.
im a mf who grew up in the early 2000s when it wasn’t cool to be black at all. idgaf what you people say.
Disregarding decades old one drop rules for hip hop arguments funny as hell
one drop rule is rooted in racism idiot
A man with a white mom can never be black even if his black dad is fully in his life.
I’m someone with 2 black parents.
Drake is a biracial white man point blank period.
im a mf who grew up in the early 2000s when it wasn’t cool to be black at all. idgaf what you people say.
How old r u
I thought u were young
Id barely say I "grew up in the early 2000s"
one drop rule is rooted in racism idiot
Almost like they're both races man
How old r u
I thought u were young
Id barely say I "grew up in the early 2000s"
idgaf what you say buddy
idgaf what you say buddy
I was just asking how old u were what the heck