Tony would think Drake is inauthentic and should stop cosplaying as the hard-working Italian men that risk their lives everyday for The Family. 🤌
daily fanfiction on ktt
daily fanfiction on ktt
In this house K-Dot is an American hero — end of discussion!
Tony Soprano would loathe Aubrey
Incorrect fam, he would respect his ability to take on an entire army against him, as Tony has done
In this house K-Dot is an American hero — end of discussion!
Now Tony would DEF hate Kendrick, that isn't even up for discussion 😂
Incorrect fam, he would respect his ability to take on an entire army against him, as Tony has done
Tony doesn’t like liars.
Tony doesn’t like liars.
Tony Soprano lies in the very first scene of the very first episode. You telling me he's a waste management consultant?
Tony Soprano lies in the very first scene of the very first episode. You telling me he's a waste management consultant?
He’s the boss. He’s allowed to.