Or maybe he doesn’t like holding grudges for his own sanity?
Crazy ppl actually mad that two grown men can reconcile
Really says something about some of y’all
This begs the question tho.. who does the tootsies money come from
Toosie himself
but i thought u said the weeknd hated drake and that ovoxo was dead
Crazy ppl actually mad that two grown men can reconcile
Really says something about some of y’all
F***, if they link up and make a song I’m all for it. If others don’t want, it’s on them.
Same with a Ye track. Give me music, I don’t care about their issues.
Just like with Kanye it’s obvious these two respect and admire each other for their respective crafts. Niggas act like kid brothers sometimes you have squabbles but it’s all love at the end of the day
I don't think a Drake/the Weeknd song in 2022 will be as good as you believe it'll be.
Even if it was a terrible song, I think the moment it would create would be worth it. Let the fanbases unite again and just rejoice that these two artists are collaborating again after like 10 years.
I think we’d get a reminder/snowchild esque melody/style from The Weeknd with a long drake verse
Don’t think we’d get something dark like the zone
You're probably right. Can def see a snowchild-esque verse from the Weeknd. I also love whenever the Weeknd dips into his hip hop influenced bag, so I would be down for that as well. The Zone type song def won't happen now with where the Weeknd is at artistically and emotionally.
You can tell how much not having the lollipop sales boost affected him
What lollipop boost?
Full speech from Drake
OVOXO is really back man
They oughtta commemorate the occasion, by DP-ing Bella.
As a metaphor, to bury the hatchet in a symbolic way, by going back to the root of the problem
Full speech from Drake
OVOXO is really back man
People talking while Drake is talking Chubbs do your thing
Just like with Drake being cool with Kanye, won't be long till they fall out with each other yet again.
Why the f*** we peacemakin’, doin’ the explanations
If we just gon’ be right back in that b**** without hesitation
Crazy ppl actually mad that two grown men can reconcile
Really says something about some of y’all
They not from the city
Full speech from Drake
OVOXO is really back man
wasted years arguing glad they good again