You all realize this probably the next "leak" right? Desires dropped end of January, Chicago/the other song dropped beginning of March. If he follows same strat, this is out in the next few days. And it's just a leak. He got some heat in the vault for the album, I trust him. Gonna be a bonafide classic. If not, he done for
Also you know what else would be a good idea? Drake drops the album in the next couple months, he drops a TikTok account as rollout marketing, and he makes BANK. The Boy in the cut, he'll never lose
Damn Drake really on some mid s***. Sad to see happen sad to see people in denial. Sounds like a Chance The Rapper track.
Another hit
Lmfao 😭
You could say that about any mainstream artist though
I just find it disgusting how sheeplike people are, and how ready they are to elevate these rappers making tik tok music to the status of gods, when most of the artists I admired had died unheard of, sometimes penniless and alone.
You all realize this probably the next "leak" right? Desires dropped end of January, Chicago/the other song dropped beginning of March. If he follows same strat, this is out in the next few days. And it's just a leak. He got some heat in the vault for the album, I trust him. Gonna be a bonafide classic. If not, he done for
i think this will go right to streaming as opposed to the others just going on soundcloud
i think this will go right to streaming as opposed to the others just going on soundcloud
This is definitely going to streaming so people can post it on their Tik Toks
Lowkey needs a Chris Brown feature.. never thought I would utter those words ever in my life
drakes stans itt, serious question: does this not bother you? It's a fun song and all, and it'll be a massive hit, but is this something that you want from drake currently?
why would i want one Drake type when i can vibe with different styles
chicago freestyle
when to say when
life is good
body to body
big mood
not around
Damn Drake really on some mid s***. Sad to see happen sad to see people in denial. Sounds like a Chance The Rapper track.
I still got a whole lotta love for Chance but don’t compare this to Hot Shower lol
Lowkey needs a Chris Brown feature.. never thought I would utter those words ever in my life
i think this will go right to streaming as opposed to the others just going on soundcloud
Maybe it'll drop on SC on Tuesday then rest of streaming on Friday
looks like we have a smash of these niggas can dance for s***
Lowkey needs a Chris Brown feature.. never thought I would utter those words ever in my life
you so right damn.
this is random but the beat and melodies sound like NAV would slide on here lol
you so right damn.
this is random but the beat and melodies sound like NAV would slide on here lol
drake and NAV is way overdue