You could feel the hurt in drake voice when he spoke on it. Started stuttering and s***, eyes looked down. He looked upset.
You could feel the hurt in drake voice when he spoke on it. Started stuttering and s***, eyes looked down. He looked upset.
Say What’s Real plays
Drizzy you’re a goat but for the love of god just admit defeat and then ask for the next question goddamn
Drizzy you’re a goat but for the love of god just admit defeat and then ask for the next question goddamn
he said pusha won with the baby thing
Is that supposed to be you?
it’s this site
he said pusha won with the baby thing
then goes on to say IN THE VERY NEXT SENTENCE NO LESS “by choice, you know, because I realized the gap between us”
then goes on to say IN THE VERY NEXT SENTENCE NO LESS “by choice, you know, because I realized the gap between us”
mans did fire & desire ofc there is a gap...
The historian of battle rap drake getting information wrong cause nobody died because a nigga rapped about another rapper dead auntie
wild to see threads like this
back in the day. and now drakes like "yeah me and cj have a decade long bond"
shows how corny and pointless that kind of speculation is
B**** stfu
“No one cares about that guy” bruh you had a SIGNED MICROPHONE YOU USED
(Goes to take a dump in Drakes bathroom)
The historian of battle rap drake getting information wrong cause nobody died because a nigga rapped about another rapper dead auntie
I'm sorry? What happened?