nigga thats a GIRL NOT A WOMAN
u think women are girls???
You losers really hate all queens, s***s crazy
It's not bad but he needs to switch up man he's playing it safe with this s***
? u want this nigga to do carti baby voice or something
i havent given a hard listen to the lyrics but is he paying homage to hov and ye by using song cry sample and being in mercy projects or is it like on some lowkey stepping on your turf type of shade?
i cant stand that f***ing girl bruh
c'mon dawg we not hating on children
no tropical vibes on the album i beg, i need a north face album
i havent given a hard listen to the lyrics but is he paying homage to hov and ye by using song cry sample and being in mercy projects or is it like on some lowkey stepping on your turf type of shade?
its u overthinking
no tropical vibes on the album i beg, i need a north face album
North Face album
? u want this nigga to do carti baby voice or something
You could place this song on any of his albums from the past 5 years and it'd be perfectly fine. Why is it so bad to ask an artist to grow artistically even a little bit lmao
spread the word! what that sounds just like sampha
its u overthinking
? its a fair question bro like surface is easy paying homage but like i listened once so far without focusing much on the lyrics so there could be some underlying message i missed
bro what that sounds just like sampha
s*** is like that fake drake on erykahs mixtape
Man really got a once in a lifetime michael jackson feature then dissed him
Man really got a once in a lifetime michael jackson feature then dissed him
its not a diss hes just trying to address his pedophile allegations
Yeah that sample was fumbled terribly. This man stay coasting. Nothing special about this at all and y’all raving about this?