Just imagine if ye and drake could peace it up so we could get a ye x 40 production on this project
Six God, praying hands like I'm a religious man
Drake is the greatest rapper of all time.
P.S. to whom it may concern
This was so corny
drake didn't have to flex the safe at the end tho lmao
That superman interpolation >>>>
Biggest complaint is the eminem cosign
Didnt ever think hed go lower than cosigning sexual trafficking but here we are
Chicago freestyle whewww
Fire Kid Steenie on the When To Say When outro skit
Video corny in the first half but the second half nice
Bruh Iβm dead he really went in the studio hot bumping Superman in 2020 and thought he had to freestyle some of it on his song
yoo he hit that eminem part smooth af, been listening to super man like crazy so that was a nice surprise
Bruh Iβm dead he really went in the studio hot bumping Superman in 2020 and thought he had to freestyle some of it on his song
classic King Slime Papi Drizzy, just a Scorpi Ting dem been known me bredren