damn that was really 15 mins, felt like it flew by
damn that was really 15 mins, felt like it flew by
You got the whole thing cro?
You got the whole thing cro?
Spoons went to Howard with Diddy?
what does his hat say? looks its from that same nike collection with the gold logo hoodie he was wearing to bronny's game
what does his hat say? looks its from that same nike collection with the gold logo hoodie he was wearing to bronny's game
can't get a good look at it cause he keeps moving lmao
if It’s coming that late he should stop talking about it tbh he’s been talking about it heavy since December
Diddy put Drake in his Top 5 so f*** a haters opinion
This man been in the game for over 30 years and worked with BIGGIE
if It’s coming that late he should stop talking about it tbh he’s been talking about it heavy since December
good point
I was originally thinking Julyish but idk Corona having him in lockdown could lead to major shifts n changes idk
So realistically when do we think he’s dropping ?
maybe early summer like scorpion? Things might have changed with the virus and stuff
they so mad they couldn't slander him
Def not coming in October lmao that’s more than half a year away. Dude prob drop before summer
I feel a mixtape coming after the album.. maybe a bunch of loosies before
This is not happening and you know it. Stop making posts like this.
Did drake try to say the album was close but diddy was talking over him?
was wondering this too