let theory season commence till the album drops
is it really album szn without the theories?
release timeline also been messed up (for nike line) because of store fronts closing. wanted to have a big display up in the new NYC nike flagship on 5th Ave for it and everything.
What kind of merch is being released eventually?
What if the Nike deal is worth $500 million
In his song with Fivio and Sosa he did say “TD bank is on Kylie”
In his song with Fivio and Sosa he did say “TD bank is on Kylie”
He has to have a huge deal in principles with either Nike or a record label.
he’s gonna wear more of the clothes he’s clearly teasing
You don’t say
there’s an acronym for nocta but in case there doesn’t end up being an acronym it’s because they didn’t wanna use it for marketing
How convenient
info about the marketing that’ll never be verifiable because it’s scrapped
How convenient
Y’all actually sad for believing this man
Someone send the last non-vague info he “leaked” before it was readily available
'in association with nocta' trademark makes me think it's a label/studio/production company rather than an album.
'in association with nocta' trademark makes me think it's a label/studio/production company rather than an album.
Maybe, but why put it on Nike clothes?
Maybe, but why put it on Nike clothes?
Nothing really adds up tbh, maybe it’s both - an album and a production/studio. We’ll have to wait and see I guess. He could just scrap this whole plan, who knows.
I have so much love for this site and the people on it. Its a hidden gem. I would never try to discredit you guys. Its just that when you have 30 kids dming me sending me information its hard to just pick one person to credit.
Any info on other ovo physical store plans once corona is over
Black october was scrapped so you never know lol
These things all start out as just ideas
release timeline also been messed up (for nike line) because of store fronts closing. wanted to have a big display up in the new NYC nike flagship on 5th Ave for it and everything.
let theory season commence till the album drops
That’s how you know we close
You have to understand I have many many people in my Dms sending me the screenshots That you guys posted and claiming it as if they found it.
Just say ktt2 breh nobody asking u to credit bill my zoot or travisscott420
Once again I’m right since i knew it was an acronym s/o acronym