CN Towers and Moth Balls might be the hardest 1-2 punch to start an album
Yeah s*** hard as f*** man. That PND crooning at the end of CN into that sample on Moth Balls
Feel like Drake always has the best 1-2 album starts. OMDB-Shot for Me, Tuscan Leather-Furthest Thing, Champagne Poetry-Papi’s Home, etc etc
drake dropping the ball not releasing nokia video
now that he is back in toronto hopefully something is cooking
Still the only thing I listen to
Last day of spinning the record before ramadan gang
CN Towers and Moth Balls might be the hardest 1-2 punch to start an album
Tuscan Leather and Furthest Thing though
Just wanted to show love to the boy fr. His catalog of music means so much to me. My GOAT fr
The fact that the same person released
Take Care
Comeback Season
More Life
And that’s not even all of it just crazy man give this man his flowers
Just realized LastFM is logging these as PND only for artists, my stats gonna be all f***ed up now
Just realized LastFM is logging these as PND only for artists, my stats gonna be all f***ed up now
Damn it
So are mine
Just realized LastFM is logging these as PND only for artists, my stats gonna be all f***ed up now
get that pro mehn
at least the drake solo songs count towards scrobbles
I catch myself singing the background more than the lyrics on Brian Steel
Be everywhere like "alhamdulillah"
@Miltdawg u good broski?
Just wanted to show love to the boy fr. His catalog of music means so much to me. My GOAT fr
My 🐐