  • sponge 🧽
    Mar 3

    i really dont understand why yall hate party on this so much i think he was amazing on everything

    deeper is literally a top 3 party song

    Not when the entirety of P1, 2, 3, Lose My Mind, Stuck in my ways, real woman, West District, Persian Rugs, The News, Believe it, PGT, Another Day, exist

  • Mar 3
    3 replies

    saying party ruins moth balls is crazy

    what are these people smoking man

  • sponge 🧽
    Mar 3
    Cosmic Warrior

    saying party ruins moth balls is crazy

    what are these people smoking man

    We gotta have some standards or artists are just going to cough and fart on the f***ing microphone

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Mar 3
    1 reply
    Cosmic Warrior

    saying party ruins moth balls is crazy

    what are these people smoking man

    i think theres a couple listener disconnects with this album

    people who performatively listen to music were off the back just not f***ing with it, people that review and s*** and have a musical opinion tied to their identity. they're over a***yzing everything and quite frankly letting this album fly over their heads because they didnt give it a chance in the first place. additionally tbh a lot of these niggas aint really living lives that even validate any of these situations in the music for better or for worst so it's like yea all them niggas gon hate it.

    then you have people that pointing out party's lack of traditional singing skills and not appreciating his (in my opinion) acquired taste sound. i feel like between pnd3 and now he's been on a very alternate way of singing which doesnt sound good to the person thats looking for a more traditional real singing ass nigga u know what i mean? like idk bro i have found all of partys singing on here great i really do not see what people are talking about this nigga in his bag

    to be honest i may be eh about 2 tracks on this album bruh this s*** is f***ing insane and i think a combination of the climate the culture is in right now, and people feeling those things i said... its just not gonna get appreciated until later on. also people were kinda lukewarm to members only which i think sounds like it coulda been on here, maybe this is really for the owls and the owls only

  • When I disappear for days...

  • sponge 🧽
    Mar 3
    1 reply

    i think theres a couple listener disconnects with this album

    people who performatively listen to music were off the back just not f***ing with it, people that review and s*** and have a musical opinion tied to their identity. they're over a***yzing everything and quite frankly letting this album fly over their heads because they didnt give it a chance in the first place. additionally tbh a lot of these niggas aint really living lives that even validate any of these situations in the music for better or for worst so it's like yea all them niggas gon hate it.

    then you have people that pointing out party's lack of traditional singing skills and not appreciating his (in my opinion) acquired taste sound. i feel like between pnd3 and now he's been on a very alternate way of singing which doesnt sound good to the person thats looking for a more traditional real singing ass nigga u know what i mean? like idk bro i have found all of partys singing on here great i really do not see what people are talking about this nigga in his bag

    to be honest i may be eh about 2 tracks on this album bruh this s*** is f***ing insane and i think a combination of the climate the culture is in right now, and people feeling those things i said... its just not gonna get appreciated until later on. also people were kinda lukewarm to members only which i think sounds like it coulda been on here, maybe this is really for the owls and the owls only

    Miles and miles of cope stretching as far as the eye can see.

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Mar 3

    Miles and miles of cope stretching as far as the eye can see.

    i study poeple i see patterns

  • sponge 🧽
    Mar 3
    1 reply

    I don't know when yall started listening to either party or drake but Drake did most of this a lot better even on albums in the past few years

    I will say, ironically, party sounds good on Meet your Padre, the song where drake is blandly vulturing the living f*** out of a genre (big surprise)

    And he sounds listenable on Die Trying but thats a song where i cant bring myself to care what drakes saying

    Alex Tumay, Noel, 40, yall need to be on probation for this f***ing mixing

    Maybe the vocal take quality was just so f***ing bad in the studio that this is the best they could do, maybe it was rushed to get something out to get back on the charts in the midst of kendricks superbowl performance and the weeknd's far far superior album, who knows.

    Salvageable parts: First part of moth balls, first minute of something about you, spiderman superman (although the real her sample feels desperate like this album) Deeper (abrasive vocal mixing makes me not listen to it though), lasers, meet your padre if u zone out when drakes on it, first part of nokia, somebody loves me (party vocals way too loud and abrasive but overall its a solid track), glorious with the ice spice sample is cool, when he's gone drake verse, greedy

    ultimately if the people who mixed this turned all of party's vocals down by like 5 to 10 decibels it'd go up at least a whole number in rating

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Mar 3
    1 reply

    I don't know when yall started listening to either party or drake but Drake did most of this a lot better even on albums in the past few years

    I will say, ironically, party sounds good on Meet your Padre, the song where drake is blandly vulturing the living f*** out of a genre (big surprise)

    And he sounds listenable on Die Trying but thats a song where i cant bring myself to care what drakes saying

    Alex Tumay, Noel, 40, yall need to be on probation for this f***ing mixing

    Maybe the vocal take quality was just so f***ing bad in the studio that this is the best they could do, maybe it was rushed to get something out to get back on the charts in the midst of kendricks superbowl performance and the weeknd's far far superior album, who knows.

    Salvageable parts: First part of moth balls, first minute of something about you, spiderman superman (although the real her sample feels desperate like this album) Deeper (abrasive vocal mixing makes me not listen to it though), lasers, meet your padre if u zone out when drakes on it, first part of nokia, somebody loves me (party vocals way too loud and abrasive but overall its a solid track), glorious with the ice spice sample is cool, when he's gone drake verse, greedy

    ultimately if the people who mixed this turned all of party's vocals down by like 5 to 10 decibels it'd go up at least a whole number in rating

    yea man i really think ur thinking too hard you're talking about decibels bro just put some airpods in and call it a day it sounds good to me

  • Illermatic 🛰️
    Mar 3

    Album still on rotation

  • sponge 🧽
    Mar 3

    yea man i really think ur thinking too hard you're talking about decibels bro just put some airpods in and call it a day it sounds good to me

    this album is background music at best for me.

    i think for the time being i’m just phasing out of these artists and listening to different stuff overall

    Lotta factors. I tried to like this album that’s why i’m frustrated that i don’t

    Same tricks getting old idk

  • Cosmic Warrior

    saying party ruins moth balls is crazy

    what are these people smoking man

    You are doing that thing
    You are doing that thing
    You are doing that thing
    You are doing that thing again

  • I just hoped that someday, someone would love me

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    I want a drake EP executive produced by James Blake.

  • Mar 3
    2 replies

    Why is Party so good on Meet Your Padre man

  • GhostOfSouljaSlim

    I want a drake EP executive produced by James Blake.

    James Blake been trash for a minute now

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Mar 3
    this is not an alt

    Why is Party so good on Meet Your Padre man

    I lowkey need one more like that from him :clap:

  • Just stumbled out the tapas restaurant
    This album a classic unfortunately

  • this is not an alt

    Why is Party so good on Meet Your Padre man

    Yup been ringing this alarm since day 1

    The last verse with party and the horns is essential

  • I’m in the back of the uber serenading the driver w Deeper





  • Mar 3
    1 reply