BRIAN STEEL got crack in it, I promise you that
good song but i'm lowkey upset they wasted nyan the young goat on a throwaway track
BRIAN STEEL got crack in it, I promise you that
good song but i'm lowkey upset they wasted nyan the young goat on a throwaway track
Just checked his page and he dropped a track
Drake naming that song SPIDER-MAN SUPERMAN with the hyphen and all caps is so underrated - he truly respected the source material. Always makes me smile when it comes on
recording your own voice and saying it’s a reference track the hot new gimmick
People can't actually think this is real
Hey drake, they are not slow!
I’ll Trick Trick on you like I’m Detroit thuggin
Kinda underratedly crazy that Carti had a Drake feat on I AM MUSIC and didn't drop it cause Kendrick was the exec producer of the album last minute lol.
hope that leaks sometime soon
Good Carti blows. Rather him give feats to new people
5 weeks later album still on loop
5 weeks later album still on loop
5 weeks later album still on loop
5 weeks later album still on loop
5 weeks later album still on loop
PND went insane on Celibacy man, so so good
5 weeks later album still on loop
i had to go back to views since feel no ways was stuck in my head, but back to the new album.
dam i was feeling that nokia mv drop today