If it takes off, it should’ve been the hit FNW could’ve been. Genuinely one of the most fun Drizzy tracks in years.
Just great music man truly
Nokia definitely the best song by a country mile though tbh
I didn’t like the album but that’s a great song
F*** all dat, whats the @ of your avi
That's the OG cover of Persian Rugs, look that up and maybe you'll find her @
He thinks Drake is a terrible person not a terrible artist
He called him a 🐐 on Hey Now
Deep down I feel like Kendrick and Drake at least at one point viewed each other as their only true competition. I think they both knew they were better than Cole which is why they both had such an easy time embracing Cole and hard time genuinely embracing each other
I’m scared nothing comes close to Feel no ways on this entire album . It’s a damn shame
I’m scared nothing comes close to Feel no ways on this entire album . It’s a damn shame
Funny enough Feel No Ways and Nokia would fit on the same album
Funny enough Feel No Ways and Nokia would fit on the same album
Totally dif songs
Funny enough Feel No Ways and Nokia would fit on the same album
And thats the album we need next
And thats the album we need next
I’m hating hard
Um yeah almost like they’re different songs
I’m hating really harddddd
And thats the album we need next
Full synth pop r&b dance Drake, skating rink vibes
for all the dogs + views = $$$
The outro on Greedy is pure Views vibes. Missed that feeling
Nokia is getting the love that Sticky deserved
Sticky had harder competition album wise
Nokia is getting the love that Sticky deserved
Broooo speak on it.
I'm still mad about Sticky smh
Sticky had harder competition album wise
Really feel like that song will never get the proper love it deserves I think it’s fantastic and really was that “old Drake” sound with newer production
Sticky had harder competition album wise
I know this is not a common opinion on this site but HNVM was f***ing trash
Nokia had more competition for me than Sticky and still stood out for me
niggas really be posted up on a reddit group calling themselves "darkkenny"
Genuinely the most disturbing artist subreddit ever. It’s a place full of Kr0nic’s, Lmfao’s, RyanNice’s, and CliCity’s lol
Deep down I feel like Kendrick and Drake at least at one point viewed each other as their only true competition. I think they both knew they were better than Cole which is why they both had such an easy time embracing Cole and hard time genuinely embracing each other
people forget when drake shouted kendrick out on that one khaled record in 2016
“Like the boy from compton said you know this d*** aint free”