  • OP
    Feb 16
    2 replies
  • OP
    Feb 16
    2 replies

    Both artists are needed and necessary.

    Why I enjoy both. Both can co exist.

    I don’t want Drake’s run to be over. I’m not trying to listen to thought provoking s*** all day everyday and I’m not trying to listen to just fun have a good time s*** all day everyday. Rap should always have both as long as it’s done well.

    I need both.

    can’t stand people that turn their nose up at any music that’s deep/thought provoking and vice versa.

    That’s exactly how I feel. This beef discourse has been extremely soured to me due to this argument when they’re both integral philosophies of making music especially in hip hop. I feel like anyone who says otherwise cares more about a narrative than hip hop which is sad because I think we’ve reached a point of no return

  • OP
    Feb 16

    @Perpetual how you liking it ?

    brother its amazing, top 3 in parts discography, and prob top 4 in drakes

  • OP
    Feb 16

    @op pin this


  • OP
    Feb 16

    We need the vinyls.

    facts! hopefully they come on amazon later on after the official release, that way I can get for cheaper shipping and also quicker delivery

  • JUUL


    party is hilarious

  • sponge 🧽
    Feb 16
    1 reply

  • monoculture

    When my girl and I caught the “I might at-chu like bless me” line we had a good laugh together in the car.. it’s a small thing but those moments over 12-15 years add up into your life.. and Drake’s given me so many of those little moments in my formative years. I will say the Weeknd did too.. his music perfectly aligned with MDMA hitting Toronto hard.. and that time in life and OG trilogy are forever linked in my mind. But anyway, the older I get the less value I necessarily attach to art that’s been toiled over .. like it somehow makes it better. I like the off the cuff, first idea, best idea stuff just as much. It comes from an intuitive place vs a contrived place

    Absolutely. Sometimes I get a little aggregated when people try to stereotype especially negatively people that like Drake’s music. He’s 6 years older than me so much of his music especially in my early adult years were literally soundtracked by his music. All that s*** was super relatable with what I had going on in my personal life plus the music was just f***ing quality so it’s like what do you want me to say? Even further much respect and love to Dot for making it out of his environment but Drake’s upbringing is way more aligned with what I experienced growing up as a biracial kid with an absent father and loving mom who was just getting by you know

  • Feb 16

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Feb 16
    4 replies

    Oh brother.. Drake liking propaganda posts saying Spotify suppressing him

  • Perpetual


  • Feb 16
    1 reply

    Oh brother.. Drake liking propaganda posts saying Spotify suppressing him

    I mean I've seen several users saying they have this issue. And then Spotify fixed it only after this post went viral. They're also having issues with not getting popup notifications when the album dropped.

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Feb 16
    2 replies

    I mean I've seen several users saying they have this issue. And then Spotify fixed it only after this post went viral. They're also having issues with not getting popup notifications when the album dropped.

    Yep. Album flopping on Spotify cause no one got a pop up notification

  • Feb 16

    Yep. Album flopping on Spotify cause no one got a pop up notification

    Yes visibility can make a difference. Who would've thought?

  • fuego 🔥
    Feb 16

    Meet your padre going crazy at Best Buy rn

  • Feb 16
    1 reply

    I don’t agree with this. I’ve thought about this for a while, but it’s never been more evident than on this project. Keep in mind, I enjoy this album so this isn’t hate, just an observation I’ve made over the years.

    Drake’s approach to R&B is COMPLETELY different nowadays than what it was 10+ years ago. Whether it’s a better or worse approach is dependent on who you’re asking, but I’m not even talking about just the content of the music itself, that’s obvious. I mean that his approach to songwriting as a whole when it comes to R&B has done a complete 180.

    He used to approach R&B writing from a very traditional standpoint: clearly defined ABAB structure, songs written around a specific narrative, more complex & varied melodic lines, layered vocals along with background vocals, and less wordplay in the lyrics, instead focusing more on eliciting emotion. These songs sound like they were written by legitimate R&B musicians. Prime examples of this include:


    Then, the approach started to switch sometime around 2017 or 2018. It changed to something more formless and conversational, gone were the traditional song structures and in were songs that could be mistaken for one long verse, usually with one or two repeating melodic lines the entire song, in addition to feeling like songs written by a rapper due to their emphasis on punchlines and similes within the lyrics. He seems to prefer catching a vibe on his modern R&B songs rather than writing a fleshed out song. They almost come off as freestyles more than actually written songs. Some examples include:


    The style you prefer is completely subjective, but it is very interesting to note and observe the differences. For that reason, I don’t think people would hate a song like Marvins Room if it were to release today, because it would be basically a complete 180 flip from the R&B that 2025 Drake is making.

    make this a thread bro

    too good of an a***yis for bottom page 955

  • Feb 16

    H**** hours

  • Feb 16
    1 reply

    Where the f*** the funchionnnnnn

  • Himothee

    make this a thread bro

    too good of an a***yis for bottom page 955

    Will in a bit

  • Feb 16
    1 reply

    Chat, why do people take songs like Meet Your Padre and Ratchet Happy Birthday seriously?

    I think cos sometimes Drake's vocal isn't enough to carry a song outside a social setting.

  • Spice ruined my otherwise fav song on here

  • Feb 16
    1 reply

    Yep. Album flopping on Spotify cause no one got a pop up notification

    this man is obsessed

  • Feb 16
    1 reply
    backshot basquiat

    this man is obsessed

    Most pathetic poster this site has ever seen

  • PND was okay, but Ty Dolla Sign would have killed the hook for die trying