  • I like Meet Your Padre. Drake did overdo the vocal effects on his part for the song tho.

  • Crying in Chanel disappointing, one of tne only songs that really needed that beat switch and they ended up not doing anything with it

  • Miltdawg

    What the first week sales looking like

    Around HNVM in just streams. The pure sales will probably make it a bit higher

  • When hes gone is also one of the better cuts on this

  • HeelKylo

    you kissed my cheek and said muchas gracias

    Dope line

  • joeycoldcuts

    so much replay value in this man, gonna be on this for awhile

  • Jim Halpert

    The general public not really listening to this is making me wanna give it another shot

    How do you know the general public isn’t listening. It’s all over the Apple Music charts

  • Illermatic 🛰️
    Feb 17
    1 reply

    in terms of replay value this is up there with More Life

  • Illermatic

    in terms of replay value this is up there with More Life

    absolutely. tons of variety

  • Feb 17
    2 replies

    need an extended version of Nokia pt 1

  • atthepyramids

    need an extended version of Nokia pt 1

    or at least it separated from Pt 2

  • Feb 17
    2 replies

    need an extended version of Nokia pt 1

    let the slow and reverb guys cook

  • Yung Nix

    let the slow and reverb guys cook

  • mishima 😈
    Feb 17

    It hits harder if you imagine them singing to each other

  • Feb 17
    1 reply
    New Vagabond

    Yea I was put off by the song with my first listen. The topic is just weird

    this is my general problem with the album

    some great songs like Nokia but the majority of the songs SOUND really nice but the lyrics and topics are so off-putting

  • FredVanYeet

    this is my general problem with the album

    some great songs like Nokia but the majority of the songs SOUND really nice but the lyrics and topics are so off-putting

    Drake and Party sound like loser virgins all over this album

  • Magenta 💞
    Feb 17

    OMW clicked

  • Feb 17
    1 reply

    I’d love for Drake to collab with Kalisway and get more sounds like Nokia.

  • HeelKylo

    you kissed my cheek and said muchas gracias

    What is so wrong with this exactly? The lines yall nitpick be having me genuinely befuddled sometimes.


  • BrainWorms4U

    I’d love for Drake to collab with Kalisway and get more sounds like Nokia.


    let me get into this

  • that ending portion of crying in chanel couldve been crew love level if they actually felt like making a song

  • Feb 17
    2 replies
    Yung Nix

    tf does this mfer party mean he says "you will never take our kids from me" the f***

    I was thinking like damn Party got a kid?

  • ViciousAmbition

    I was thinking like damn Party got a kid?

    lmaooo exactly wtf