  • Extends his Diamond record to 16 whenever he gets them certifications updated

  • Eminem stimulus

  • Feb 12
    4 replies

    lebron really sacrificed a +15 year long relationship just so he can jump around and call his friend pedo

    wild, hollyweird fr

  • Feb 12

    Raped the game young you could call it statutory

  • thekid187
    · edited

    lebron really sacrificed a +15 year long relationship just so he can jump around and call his friend pedo

    wild, hollyweird fr

    they’ve been friends since 08

  • Feb 12

    last name ever first name greatest

  • Feb 12

    Like a sprained ankle boy I ain’t nothing to play with

  • Feb 12

    Damn, I swear sports and music are so synonymous
    'Cause we want to be them, and they want to be us
    So on behalf of the demanded and the entertainment
    That you take for granted, you can thank me now

  • My first Drake song

  • Feb 12
    3 replies

    lebron really sacrificed a +15 year long relationship just so he can jump around and call his friend pedo

    wild, hollyweird fr


    the nigga has LeBron’s face tatted on him

    weird Hollywood indeed lmaoo

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    Wayne with 6 now.

  • Valentine


    the nigga has LeBron’s face tatted on him

    weird Hollywood indeed lmaoo

  • If Drake ends up resigning with umg and release Fighting Irish freestyle can Lebron sue Umg?

  • Another one!

  • This song is still special to me even if I don't play it anymore

  • Feb 12
    2 replies


    the nigga has LeBron’s face tatted on him

    weird Hollywood indeed lmaoo

    cmon dont try to rewrite things... imagine you have a great relationship for 15+ years with someone and then out of the blue they appear jumping around and singing a song calling you a pdf

  • Damage control thread

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    cmon dont try to rewrite things... imagine you have a great relationship for 15+ years with someone and then out of the blue they appear jumping around and singing a song calling you a pdf

    he’s also friends with the other individual for just as long

  • thekid187

    lebron really sacrificed a +15 year long relationship just so he can jump around and call his friend pedo

    wild, hollyweird fr

    You’re just mad they didn’t f***

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    he’s also friends with the other individual for just as long

    dumbass take lmfao

  • Projecting onto the relationship of two other grown men

  • Feb 12


  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Feb 12
    1 reply


    the nigga has LeBron’s face tatted on him

    weird Hollywood indeed lmaoo

    I mean I would tat LeBron and I don’t know him so the fact Drake made a song for LeBrons documentary about his time at fighting Irish and tattooed a picture of LeBron in a fighting Irish jersey idk sounds fine to me I think we really should judge him for his other bs tats

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    My order for the verses

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    dumbass take lmfao

    dumbass take for me to say the biggest rapper from LA in the last 15 years doesn’t have a relationship of some sort with the biggest star in basketball while he’s linked with Shaq (Bron former teammate and friend) and Kobe (I don’t have to explain)

    got it