this s*** is a compilation of leaks ranging from 2017-2020, with a few new songs added on - the fact it's being reviewed as an actual 'album' by some already makes their reviews useless
It’s literally 5 reviews
How’s that the masses
I clearly wasn’t referring to Drake album. I was explaining in general
That’s like saying why are there amazon reviews. It helps people find music. It’s not to shape your opinion.
amazon reviews are on things with more objective quality than music
this s*** is a compilation of leaks ranging from 2017-2020, with a few new songs added on - the fact it's being reviewed as an actual 'album' by some already makes their reviews useless
the score would be higher if the songs were better
Imagine caring about the opinions of random critics
yet, if it had 90 on metacritic, it would be getting paraded on here.
amazon reviews are on things with more objective quality than music
At the end of the day both are simply products and product is king
He's done the whole mixtape thing successfully (IYRT, SFG, WATTBA), these days it just seems uninspired
I can agree. In the era of steaming you can package the same thing different ways (album, mixtape, playlist, compilation). To the eye of the beholder I guess
At the end of the day both are simply products and product is king
music isn't a product it's art
the score would be higher if the songs were better
they're unfinished songs / demos being graded as an actual album effort idk if you picking up on what i'm saying here
I clearly wasn’t referring to Drake album. I was explaining in general
How does a score from random online journalists determine whether or not the masses enjoy an album ?
Drake will go down as the most misunderstood artist of this century.
Anything a provocateur does will always create a big divide in the reception. Polarization is a staple touch in all the greats.
how the f*** is drake misunderstood yall really just be saying s***
yet, if it had 90 on metacritic, it would be getting paraded on here.
Eg, Fetch the Bolt Cutters
f*** metacritic
metacritic doesn't review anything lol it's a combination of other review sites
they're unfinished songs / demos being graded as an actual album effort idk if you picking up on what i'm saying here
he released them. people can form opinion about them
OP really asked "why" as if critics don't write lke 10 paragraphs per review in an attempt to justify their score
Like bro just read the reviews
How does a score from random online journalists determine whether or not the masses enjoy an album ?
It doesn’t
It’s simply an opinion and everyone has one. Some are more valued and some are less
Jai paul 7 year old leaked album was well reviewed. It can be done then again cant compare Drake to Jesus
metacritic doesn't review anything lol it's a combination of other review sites
its annoying bruh. When people have the aggregates they make it out to be the majority opinion