Did I say yall have to be a fan or a viewer of his?? I don't watch his s*** but I still know he exists because im not an old boomer who lives under a rock
You’re embarrassing yourself
Yall ktt niggas be so proud to be out of the loop on pop culture
Minecraft YouTuber for small children
I’m proud to be out of this loop
Did I say yall have to be a fan or a viewer of his?? I don't watch his s*** but I still know he exists because im not an old boomer who lives under a rock
You’re Trying too hard to be in the loop for what? So you can appear young and in with children? It’s an uphill battle bro and aside from that it’s just strange if you’re an adult
nigga said outta the loop on pop culture like dream isn't a minecraft youtuber who's primary demographic is children and young teens
You wild for that avy but lowkey was the best character on that show
Did I say yall have to be a fan or a viewer of his?? I don't watch his s*** but I still know he exists because im not an old boomer who lives under a rock
imagine giving a f*** about this c**
Lol this made its way to my timeline yesterday
Have 0 f***ing clue who he is, they were clowning him but looks like he's paid so he wins
This is such narcissistic behavior, making a whole event of you showing your face. And nigga is the most mediocre ugly looking mf in existence.
This the guy that cheated, claimed he didn’t, then back pedaled after people had substantial evidence against him?
everything I know about Dream i learned against my will