W stream for Drake. He spread a lot of positive energy and made a lot of people’s year through his charity and kindness.
I tip my fedora to you my good sir and I can’t wait to see how you come back in 2025!
Proud Drizzmas 2024 viewer reporting in for duty, sir!
I would have to seriously reconsider the direction of my life and hopefully change course if I watched any length of an Adin Ross stream.
Ah yes, because kick never botted streams in the past
But there’s no need to dress up the numbers
but I guess they must have their reasons
can't be right.... they say drizzmas had more peak concurrent viewers than the pop out....
LA we got work 2 do....
There were literally millions of people watching The Pop Out on Amazon Prime Video. Lock thread.
Ah yes, because kick never botted streams in the past
I was told Spotify, Kick etc. never bot streams so I am slightly confused now.
I was told Spotify, Kick etc. never bot streams so I am slightly confused now.
guess u are not mature as u think, got some healin to do..
Kick bots their viewcounts. Basically all of their top staff, all of their top creators (including adin) and the sites creator talk about it openly.
I was told Spotify, Kick etc. never bot streams so I am slightly confused now.
Are you dumb? Kick is literally known for that s*** lol they're botting streams so people think Kick is popular.
What has Spotify to do with Kick? LOOOL
This would be more impressive if Twitch was the primary platform that people watched the Pop Out on. Most people watched on Prime Video
I watched on Prime Video
It's higher resolution than Amazon Music's channel on Twitch
Did the same for Kanye Free Hoover show, switched to Prime Video before Coonye & Drake appeared on the stairs
Looked insane on the TV
I was told Spotify, Kick etc. never bot streams so I am slightly confused now.
You were never ever told kick doesn’t bot streams. No one ever told you that. What an absolutely ridiculous conflation. Trying to tack Spotify and Kick together to cobble together some hypocrisy. Insanely stupid post. One of your worst.