heres a streaming link
idk why its not up on youtube yet tbh
not sure about the name big u on the beat
i been had it for like 7 years now
you f***in with it though? its only like 15 mins long and its suppose to flow all in one
you f***in with it though? its only like 15 mins long and its suppose to flow all in one
i peeped here n their but ive been trouble shooting a plugin
i peeped here n their but ive been trouble shooting a plugin
which one? maybe i can help
which one? maybe i can help
For some reason it won’t open
Just reinstalling it
Lotta very interesting stuff, super unorthodox which I f*** with heavy and the transitions were mad tight and seamless
Some of the sound selection wasn't doing it fully for me but thats taste
I loved how you switched up the tempo on Out The Cat, starting with the hi-hats, that was real unique.
Check out my first tune if you got time to! Support is always super appreciated
Lotta very interesting stuff, super unorthodox which I f*** with heavy and the transitions were mad tight and seamless
Some of the sound selection wasn't doing it fully for me but thats taste
I loved how you switched up the tempo on Out The Cat, starting with the hi-hats, that was real unique.
Check out my first tune if you got time to! Support is always super appreciated f***ing with it but wish your voice was more present if that makes sense
im f***ing with it but wish your voice was more present if that makes sense
Dope! Thank you so much
And yea I know what you mean
I fw the first beat heavy. 2nd one needs to have the 808's change more if their going to be the core component of the song. 5 feels like you got too high while making it there too much stuff going on in the mix. I fw number 6. 7 lit af
heres a streaming link
idk why its not up on youtube yet tbh
This s*** hard
I fw the first beat heavy. 2nd one needs to have the 808's change more if their going to be the core component of the song. 5 feels like you got too high while making it there too much stuff going on in the mix. I fw number 6. 7 lit af
honestly 5 yea
heres a streaming link
idk why its not up on youtube yet tbh
Ocean Side is beautiful bro