Was pleasantly surprised by this. Thought it would pale in comparison to Dawn FM but Gunna def held his own from a quality standpoint
Was pleasantly surprised by this. Thought it would pale in comparison to Dawn FM but Gunna def held his own from a quality standpoint
Gunna smoked Abel but the plebs won’t give him credit
Gunna smoked Abel but the plebs won’t give him credit
Gunna did Gunna. Abel took his sound and refined it once more. I’m a fan of both artists though and it’s two entirely different genres so I’ll try not to get into the “who had the better album?” discussion because really it just comes down to the mood you’re in
Gunna did Gunna. Abel took his sound and refined it once more. I’m a fan of both artists though and it’s two entirely different genres so I’ll try not to get into the “who had the better album?” discussion because really it just comes down to the mood you’re in
Yeah trying to pit a pop album vs a southern rap album against each other doesn’t make much sense when the only similarity is that they dropped on the same night
Crazy how DavidP disappears and gunna thinks it’s ok to take his drip.
They gotta unban first